Page 5 - OrthoFeed issue3 - Final
P. 5


          A review of patient specific instrumentation based

          on predictive modelling in total knee arthroplasty

       Dr. Rajeev Verma                                           Evidence from literature

       MS, Orthopedics and joint replacement surgeon                  A systematic review of 38 studies including a total of
                                                                      3487  patients found that TKA-PSI  does not improve
       Manipal Hospital Dwarka, New Delhi                             patient-reported outcome measures, surgery time, and
                                                                      complication rates as compared to standard TKA.  [3]

                                                                      TKA-PSI is found to decreases blood loss with a small
       Introduction                                                   effect, which is not enough to reduce transfusion rate.
       Patient specific instrumentation (PSI) is a modern
                                                                    Literature does not suggest PSI techniques as a gold
       technique in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) aiming to
                                                                    standard in TKA, and therefore it cannot be
       facilitate the implant of the prosthesis.  [1]
                                                                    recommended as technique in standard,
       The customized cutting blocks of the PSI are generated       uncomplicated primary TKA.  [2]
       from pre-operative three-dimensional model, using
       computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
       imaging (MRI).  [1]
                                                                  Supporting literature is not strong enough to recommend
                                                                  regular use of PSI. But, it is a great option for performing
       Procedure                                                  “minimally invasive” surgeries required in-

                                                                      Cases of deformities healed with a malalignment  [2]
        Preoperative 3D imaging is used to model the knee anatomy.  [2]
                                                                      Technically difficulties cases, such as those requiring
        A personalized surgical plan is designed with respect to bone  intra-medullar rods  [2]
        resection and component positioning and alignment.  [2]
                                                                      Cases where intra-medullary guides are
                                                                      contraindicated  [2]
        The cutting blocks or pin guides are rendered  [2]

                                                                    Further studies are required to establish the safety
        Custom cutting guides are pinned directly into place  [2]
                                                                    and utility of PSI in Indian scenario
        A standard saw is used through the cutting slots  [2]
       Advantages                                                 1.       Mattei L, Pellegrino P, Calò M, Bistolfi A, Castoldi F. Patient
                                                                  specific instrumentation in total knee arthroplasty: a state of the
          Facilitate surgery with limited exposure.  [2]          art. Ann Transl Med. 2016;4(7):126. doi:10.21037/atm.2016.03.33
                                                                  2.      Batailler C, Swan J, Sappey Marinier E, Servien E, Lustig S.
          No violation of intramedullary canals  [2]              New Technologies in Knee Arthroplasty: Current Concepts. J
                                                                  Clin Med. 2020;10(1):47. Published 2020 Dec 25.
          Decrease risk of fat embolus and blood loss  [2]        doi:10.3390/jcm10010047

          Reproducible neutral postoperative alignment  [1]       3.      Kizaki, K., Shanmugaraj, A., Yamashita, F. et al. Total knee
                                                                  arthroplasty using patient-specific instrumentation for
                                                                  osteoarthritis of the knee: a meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskelet
                                                                  Disord 20, 561 (2019).

          Do not aid in the performing of gap balancing or soft
          tissue releases  [2]

          Tibial  component  rotation,  implant  fixation  and
          patellar preparation remain the responsibility of the
          surgeon  [2]
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