Page 7 - OrthoFeed issue3 - Final
P. 7

Perform total hip

      replacement using

      innovative augmented

      reality-guided technology

      Augmented reality is a new navigation that allows the
      superposition of clinical information in the sight of the
      surgeon.  [1]

      A team of orthopedic surgeons at New England Baptist
      Hospital (NEBH) performed the first-ever augmented          Impact of total joint
      reality (AR)-guided total hip replacement.  [2]
                                                                 arthroplasty on mental health
      The AR-guided system is the first FDA-cleared surgical
                                                                 The preoperative mental health status of a patient can
      platform for joints to be contained entirely within a
                                                                 be a significant factor in determining the success of
      head-mounted device. Unlike robotic and traditional
                                                                 total hip arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty.  [1]
      navigation systems, there aren’t any large external
      workstations, cameras or screens. The small footprint of the   Low preoperative mental health score is associated
      AR system means it can be easily deployed across operating   with depression, greater resource utilization and
      rooms, promoting greater surgical team efficiency and cost   worse postoperative functional outcomes.  [1]
      savings to hospitals.  [2]
                                                                 On the other hand, improvement in pain and function
      A randomized blinded study found that the surgeons         resulting from the arthroplasty may also result in
      trained using virtual reality perform a cadaveric THA      improvement in mental health status.  [2]
      significantly better than those using conventional
                                                                 Mental health showed considerable improvement
      preparation (p<0.001)  [3]
                                                                 from baseline to 1-year post-THA (total hip arthro-
                                                                 plasty) (p<0.001) in a prospective cohort study with
                                                                 636 patients.  [2]

                                                                 Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) also has positive effect
                                                                 on patients with low mental health scores.  [3]

      Figure- Visual feedback seen by the user for femoral head drilling in
      hip resurfacing. The arrow indicates the entry point and orientation
      target.  [1]

         Augmented reality is a powerful tool capable of
         transforming the future of surgery while also serving as
         an effective teaching tool.  [2]
                                                                 Improvement in mental health can be an important benefit
                                                                 of THA/TKA which offers an opportunity for orthopedic
                                                                 surgeons to help curb depression among patients
      2.  Source-
        hnology                                               1.  Ahn, A., Snyder, D. J., Keswani, A., Mikhail, C., Poeran, J., Moucha, C. S., & Kanabar,
                                                                M. (2020). The Cost of Poor Mental Health in Total Joint Arthroplasty. The
      3.  Journal of Arthroplasty. doi:10.1016/j.arth.2020.06.083
                                                              2.  Nguyen, US.D.T., Perneger, T., Franklin, P.D. et al. Improvement in mental health
                                                                following total hip arthroplasty: the role of pain and function. BMC
                                                                Musculoskelet Disord 20, 307 (2019).
                                                              3.  Horst, P., Barrett, A. A., Huddleston, J. I., Maloney, W. J., Goodman, S. B., &
                                                                Amanatullah, D. F. (2019). Total Knee Arthroplasty Has Positive Effect on Patients
                                                                with Low Mental Health Scores. The Journal of Arthroplasty.
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