P. 13




              EY Moving Up and Graduation

     EY Moving Up and Graduation

     Celebrating Achievements and Hard Work

     Every year, the month of May brings with it a special
     atmosphere at EPG, as it marks the beginning of our
     Graduation and Moving Up ceremonies. These events
     serve as a platform to showcase the culmination of
     weeks of hard work, dedication, and practice by our
     children. Dressed in their  nest attire, with girls in
     beautiful dresses, and boys standing tall in smart
     black pants and white shirts, the excitement
     backstage  is  palpable.  Teachers  gently  remind  the
     children to stand tall, remember their dance
     movements, and to sing with joy, just as they have
     practised diligently in the preceding weeks. As parents
     eagerly take their seats,  lled with pride and
     anticipation, the curtains open to a sea of waves and
     smiles. The children kick off the concert with the
     National Anthem, standing upright and proud,
     embodying the spirit of the occasion.

     For the teachers, this moment is particularly exciting.
     Holding their breath in anticipation, they await the
     children's  rst graduation song. As the children begin
     to sing, hearts swell with pride and joy, knowing that
     all the hard work has truly paid off. Graduation holds
     a special place in the heart of EPG, serving as a
     testament to the dedication and commitment of our
     children. It is a time not only to celebrate their
     achievements, but also to recognise the support and
     guidance provided by our teachers, the unwavering
     commitment of parents who attend the ceremonies,
     and the hard work of our dedicated staff who ensure
     that the venue looks its best.

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