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From EY Director’s Desk
Summer Matters! How Parents Can Keep their Children Learning All
Summer Long
Harvard Graduate School of Education says that “play is everything!” Even in
summer we must remember that play is bene cial and it comes in 3 forms: social
play - with friends and siblings and adults - tossing a ball; acting out in imaginary
drama scenarios using just a bed sheet and chairs to make a hidden mystery cave;
independent play- playing with their stuffed toys and cars, doing puzzles, building
with blocks or kitchen pots and pans; guided play- challenges set up by parents.
The secret is not just an activity as play, but the attitude of “playfulness!” When
they navigate their environment (physical and social), they practice problem solving,
and test out ideas. This is called the “secret sauce”: playfulness! Be curious,
experiment! The key areas of social, physical,emotional, and intellectual
development don’t stop during the summer. In fact, these important months in a
child’s early development must still be nurtured by the child’s “ rst teacher”, their
parents! The 3 key components to consider in your choice of activities are: choice,
wonder and delight! Choice means allowing your child to set a goal, share ideas,
make their own rules to a game, and choose how long to play! Wonder looks like
exploring, creating, pretending, imagining and trial and error - not giving up!
Delight looks like happiness,smiling, laughing, being silly and relaxed, and at ease!
Now that summer is fast approaching, and school is out, you are the best front line
teacher for making sure that your children continue to keep their minds and bodies
active, despite the summer heat! Why does this matter? Without an active, fun, high
quality learning program, children suffer from “summer learning loss”, which
includes academic gains from the year as well as physical development. Children
can easily become engaged in TV and IPad use and sedentary behaviours, as well
as eating less nutritious meals and changes to the routines that were established all
year for school. EPG offers a Summer Camp which helps children socialise with
peers as well as remain active intellectually, as well as physically. Should your
children remain at home, there are still many things you can do to keep “the brain
and body” active!