P. 5

From Teacher’s Desk

       As we approach the end of this academic year, I would like to
       take this opportunity to express my gratitude for being part of

       the EPG community. Thank you to all parents for entrusting us
       with your children’s academic success. The students have
       developed holistically, and learnt a lot as well. This has been
       encouraging to witness, as new teachers in EPG. The past year
       has been a busy and eventful one, wherein our children and
       parents were able to engage regularly during planned events. It
       has  been  a pleasure being  a  teacher  at  EPG.  I  have  had  a
       wonderful time bonding with the children and creating memories.
       At FS2 level, we have learnt to read, write in full sentences,

       and create artistic craft. Through creativity, communication,
       collaboration and critical thinking the students have learnt to
       work with one another and follow instructions. Students have
       worked hard, played hard, and they have grown by leaps and
       bounds. It has been a delightful experience for me as a teacher,
       to be part of the EPG community. Children have learnt to
       appreciate and celebrate each other’s differences. Their kindness

       to one another is one of the things teachers have loved the most.
       The EPG values and ethics have enhanced such growth  for the
       students, as well as teachers.

       As part of the Early Years community, we have facilitated the
       development  of our children’s fundamental  development goals
       which includes  the social, emotional, physical, cognitive and
       artistic abilities. Early  childhood at EPG shapes children and
       prepares them for  academic success. We are now preparing for

       graduation/moving up ceremonies and the children have been
       working incredibly hard to showcase an outstanding

       performance. Every member of the EPG community is looking
       forward to celebrating their achievements as they journey
       towards the next academic year.

       As new teachers we have enjoyed encouraging and inspiring

       students to discover and reach their potential, in keeping with
       being  “the  best we can  be”!  We  would like  to  take  this
       opportunity to thank all our parents and children for allowing us
       to  be  part  of  your  academic  journey  and  for  your  continued
       support throughout the year.
                                                                        Joy Moloi

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