Page 112 - EY Teacher's Handbook 2024-2025
P. 112

FSL Specialist Teachers will focus on building oral language and vocabulary development.
          Children will further develop their creative listening and understanding skills. The teachers will use the
          following resources and approaches and integrate the topics to build background knowledge and in

          a context of interest to children at this age in “Understanding the World”:

              Active games and songs and movement equipment should be introduced throughout the year. Do
          not have too much stimulation at once as children in FSL can easily tire of these items and also throw
          them around if work space is too crowded .
            • •
              Sensory experiences are the best way to encourage children’s interest and motivation
              Activities to build oral language skills as they relate to topics, reading with wordless books using
          picture cues to build oral vocabulary, topic discussions to build background knowledge vocabulary
            •   Focus will be on the Prime areas of the EYFS - (PSED), PD (gross and fine motor muscle

          development) Communication and Language – speaking, listening, and understanding) as well as
          Specific Area of Expressive Arts and Design - Singing, chants, rhymes, poems, role play activities,
          moving and handling.
            • •
              Fine and gross motor development using manipulatives to build strength in pincer (tripod) grip of
          fingers, lines of zig zag, circle and slanted lines using markers.

          Specialist Planning, Assessment, Recording & Reporting
            Specialist records will record observations on EPG Digital Capture. (Notes, evidence, work will also
          be kept). Objectives (targets), long, medium and short term should be recorded on the agreed
          planning formats for each year group and these should be annotated where appropriate. Teachers

          should set targets at least termly with new objectives set where an objective is achieved.

          Expressive Arts and Design Learning Goals
          Expressive Arts and Design Learning Goals
            Expressive Arts and Design understanding should be developed through visual arts activities and
          crafts, stories, songs, drama, games and imaginative play so that children enjoy using and
          experimenting with, exploring and using media and materials and being imaginative. Children should
          also be developing language, elements of art such as line, colour, shape, space, form, physical
          movement such as moving and handling, health and self-care, dance, running, bending, skipping

          hopping as well as healthy food and body activities. Through Expressive Arts, children also develop
          an “Understanding of the World” as topics are integrated into the subjects. People and Community,
          The World and Technology are focused areas included in topic design.  Music allows children to
          repeat language, feel rhythms and patterns, build listening and attention skills and concentrate and

          follow instructions. The children will also develop a joy of singing.
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