Page 2 - Newsletter 2023 ENGLISH & ARABIC
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From EY Director’s Desk

                                Dear Parents,

                                Happy Kuwait National and Liberation Day this month!

                                We are now in the  nal term of studies for the children! It is a busy time of
                                trips, celebrations and assessments of learning in Reading and Writing for our
                                children in FS1 and FS2.

                                There is a saying, “Practice makes Perfect!”. The concept of a new skill being
                                mastered requires long lasting, sustained practice, beyond the point of mastery.
                                Practice until you are perfect only lasts brie y. What is necessary is sustained

                                This is where you come in!
                                In our Early Years’ classrooms, practice is a necessary part of our teach-
                                ing and learning process! Children need multiple opportunities to rehearse,
                                repeat and remember what has been taught in the daily learning objectives,
                                over the year.  The Academic Journal ‘Child Development” research shows
                                that 5 year olds are just starting to understand the idea of practise. How-
                                ever, younger children have not grasped this concept and it is up to us to
                                assume this role. As adults we understand that we need to put effort into this
                                to achieve goals!

                                Research also shows that the elite in areas or  elds from sports to business, in
                                order to reach the top of their  eld, have to invest 10000 hours of practice!
                                That’s a lot of basketball, football kicks and throws!

                                For young children practice must involve fun, games and joy!
                                Practice also involves a routine -time of day, and length of time (short for
                                children under 5).

                                There needs to be recognition, a celebration and praise for each attempt and a hug!
                                Children develop their  ne motor (Pre-writing skills) and phonics, word attack, and
            1                   oral language skills (Pre-Reading) at different times and at different paces.
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