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2.1 Introduction
The previous section of the study discussed the introduction of the study. Therefore, this section
discusses the literature review of the study. Sutton (2016) argued that the purpose of literature is
to establish a theoretical framework for the topic or subject area, to define key terms, definitions
and terminology, to identify studies, models and case studies to support the topic. Hence this
literature focuses on the conceptual and operational definitions of the challenges student teachers
encounter in teaching poetry in English as a second language, research objectives and details
theoretical framework.
2.2. Explore the level of understanding and the value of poetry in English as a
second language among language students at UNAM, main Campus.
Poetry just like other genres of Literature shapes personality. It moulds individual human being’s
tastes, empathy, sense of imagination and judgment (Josephine, 2013). This is to say that poetry
develops the affective domain. Cluster (1964) highlights that poetry is a kind of communication
which gives another kind of knowledge. He explains that poets disseminate knowledge by way of
describing, commenting, and recording various aspects of human experience in a meaningful
Many scholars have given poetry many different definitions. According to Juhlin (2018, p.6), the
word stems from the Latin word poema which was taken from the Greek word poēma which means
‘make’. Spurr (1997, p.6) defines poetry as ‘the honey of all flowers’. This means that poetry is a
language art that should be embraced and enjoyed (Jane, 2017).
Teaching poetry is one of the important activities in English as a language. Studies reveal that
poetry is considered a key element of many literature curricula around the world (Sigvardsson,
2019). Sugandi and Husnaini (2015) point out that there are many benefits of literature. For
example, teaching literature is believed to be a tool to promote cross-cultural understanding. It is
also considered as the potential sources to explore the aspect of history, social, and culture of
foreign language (Sugandi & Husnaini, 2015). In view of the vast benefits of poetry on language