Page 119 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 119

Indonesia can hear the voice gently, softly and weakly. This meaned that the loud
            singings and praisings in the crusades at nights should have been heard by the
            Indonesian people in the opposite village on the other hill. Praise the Lord! This was
            similar to what had happened in Galilee more than 2000 years ago in the well-known
            sermon of Jesus on top of a hill i.e. the Sermon on the Mount which could be heard
            from far-distant places. Sometimes when cellphones could not work (blankspot areas)
            God gave a natural mean i.e. physical and natural conditions of sound amplification
            and reverberation which allowed the words of God be shared, transmitted and heard
            by the other people living in ‘the unreachable places’. Again, all glory to Lord Jesus

            2016 – Crusade in Semuthi, about 2-3 hours driving to the hill-top village from Serian,
            Serawak, Malaysia.
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