Page 121 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 121

(1 pastor from Merauke, 1 pastor and some of his church’s members from Sota) (2 nd
            group) and the NJE group (3 group). Coming from Jakarta and Manado were Ev.
            Andreas Hartanto, Ev. Benny Gozali and Ps. Morris Watuseke while from Merauke Ps.
            Jeffry Rengkung. The first group was intended and responsible for logistic
            transportation and local guidance in the forest, rivers, lake and swampy areas. They
            had to carry, by means of (3) bicycles and (12) men, all goods requested by them and
            donated by NJE such as the rices, petrol, dry foods and spices, fans, jars, genset and
            electrical bulbs and fittings and other accessories for the crusade and temporary
            lodging place. The second team consisted of experienced people in forest-rivers-lake
            crossing who had some relatives near-by Wandouw, some good swimmers who could
            guide, interpret and help the 3 group. The first group only talked in the local dialect
            and needed the interpreters to communicate with the 3 group. Only some people
            spoke English in Wandouw such as the pastors, evangelists, tribal leaders,
            government officers and young people (pupils).

            The journey to Wandouw village: problems and divine wisdom.
            The onshore journey was full of ‘unprecedented-and-accidental events’ such as falling
            off and thrown away from the motorcycles, wheels slippery and trapped into mud,
            the broken chain of one motorcycle, lack of the means of communication etc. Google
            map was surely not available and definitely helpless in the forest and the cellphones
            could not work as well. There was no means at all to communicate one to another. All
            the motorcyclists (6 motor-riders, each of them rode with one of the group members)
            were starting from the same point and riding in a successive manner just like a
            convoy. Nevertheless, there was no ‘same cleared track’ which could be followed and
            riden on by the motorcycles (not talking a paved path). The different routes were
            suddenly available and could easily be passed by each rider according to his ‘free will
            and chosen way’. Thus, it was easy to predict what would happen next.
                    In 10 minutes the convoy started unavoidably to lose its members. The
            convoy tail was curtailed from its head, and the problem was, the convoy head did
            not know or realize what had just happened (the tail knew the separation but there
            was no means to contact the head). Wow, really an abrupt separation and total
            confusion started to enter our minds! And it was really a desperate effort to be able
            to see the other motorcyclists. Very soon both the tail and the head had been broken
            down into a separated solitary motor-rider and its one passenger. The breaking and
            separation of the convoy were caused by the slippery into and trapping in the mud,
            the breaking of the chain without a reserved spare-part, the brokendown machine
            due to muddy water etc. As a result one waited the other without knowing the
            condition of the other, having no communication means and clear direction where to
            go next. While in the same time the sun was about to set and the evening time would
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