Page 122 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 122

come soon. (What if anybody in the groups had an evil thought and would rob or kill
            somebody? Remember that the groups were in the middle of the ‘virgin jungle’ of the
                  Thank God, no evil deeds took place. God’s protection has been so real. The
            planned meeting place was at one point on the branching small river bank. Nobody
            had the idea about the meeting place for a clear reason. A small space on the bank of
            a small river with unknown number of branches in the middle of a jungle and, of
            course, no sign board and lights and decent place to wait was not the easy place to
            identify. But there should be a speedboat driver waiting the team overthere and he
            (and the speedboat) could be a distinct and clear marker of the meeting place. The
            problem was who could really guarantee that the speedboat and its driver would be
            there after the team was so late to arrive. Who could have trusted these local people
            for all details of the transportation arrangement, after such a misled and catastrophic
            journey? This was further proven by the fact that some of the members of the 1 and
            2 groups had different ideas about the exact location of the meeting place. What
            could we do? Only one thing we could do, coming to God through the praying and
            asking His wisdom to lead us out from this ‘deadlock natural labyrinth’.
                  This was proven to be correct if one reviewed from what would take place
            afterwards. In God’s enlightening ideas, two things had to be done. First we had to
            make sure that our current location was on the route or near the usual path taken by
            a walking group or burden-carrying group. The second step was just ‘wait and see’
            with the fully-opened eyes and ears to be able to detect when a walking or
            burden-carrying group was passing our location. Yes, we were waiting the first group
            or part of the second group who did the journey on foot. They still walked definitely
            behind the motorcycle team especially the Wandouw group who also carried the
            heavy burdens i.e. sacks of rices, jars of petrol on their bicycles. And the glooming
            darkness of the evening, hopefully, made them carrying several lamps or the oil-filled
            pipes with glowing fire on its top. Those lights would make their convoy becoming
            eye-catching and easy to observe. Then we had to be ready with the strong screams,
            noisy shouts and roaring voices to attract their attention and to stop their convoy.
            Hallelujah! One big problem was finally solved. Uuuugh, thank God, anyway.
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