Page 24 - SCDAA Convention 2022
P. 24


                                   MEDIC AL AND RESEAR C H ADVISORY C OMMITTEE

            SCDAA’s Medical and Research Advisory Committee (MARAC) activities included meetings to address patient, caregiver
            and provider concerns. Numerous advisories were produced to respond to COVID-19 updates and other health concerns:
              • MARAC Advisory Statement Update: COVID-19 and Sickle Cell Disease
              • MARAC Advisory Statement: Monkeypox
              • MARAC Advisory Statement: Immunizations

                                   Preparing CHWs to Serve the Community

          HEALTH                   SCDAA’s National Community Health Worker (CHW) Training Program continues
          TRAINING                 to function as an online, self-paced course. The online modules also offer a course specifically
                                   designed to help supervisors and managers learn how to provide high-quality supervision
                                   to CHWs, identify potential issues that CHWs might face, support CHWs’ professional
                                   development and more.
            June 19: Shine the Light on SCD Awareness Globally
               Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc.
              7240 Parkway Drive, Suite 180  •  Hanover, Maryland 21076
            In collaboration with SCDAA, advocacy groups, community-based organizations, hospitals, governments and other key
            shareholders celebrated World Sickle Cell Awareness Day on June 19, as designated by the United Nations. Participants
            wore red and attended events online and in their communities to promote awareness and advocacy.

            July 30: 9th Annual
            Virtual Walk with the Stars

            SCDAA’s annual event was virtual once again
            this year, but it still made a big impact! Thank
            you to all the teams and individuals who joined
            us to #MoveForSickleCell and raise funds this
            summer. We are one step closer to a universal
            cure because of your support!

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