Page 29 - SCDAA Convention 2022
P. 29

KWAKU                   Dr. Ohene Frempong was director

                                                                                     emeritus of the Comprehensive
                              OHENE-FREMPONG, MD                                     Sickle Cell Center at The Children’s

                                                                                     Hospital of Philadelphia and
                                                                                     emeritus professor of Pediatrics at
                                                                                     the Perelman School of Medicine
                                                                                     at the University of Pennsylvania.
                                                                                     Dr. Ohene-Frempong also founded
                       The NEW Kwaku Ohene-                                          the Sickle Cell Foundation of Ghana
                      Frempong, MD, Memorial                                         and was a founding member of the
                       Symposium will be given                                       Global Sickle Cell Disease Network.
                  annually at SCDAA’s National
                                   Convention.                                       His landmark analysis of stroke in
                                                                                     the Cooperative Study of Sickle
                   Dr. Ohene-Frempong passed                                         Cell Disease showed the high rates
                  away on May 7, 2022. He was     KWAKU OHENE-                       of stroke in children from blocked
                    a true leader in the sickle cell   FREMPONG, MD, was born in     blood flow and high rates of stroke
                community and dedicated his life   Ghana, and his record of excellence   in adults that were from bleeding
                and career to working with SCD.   as a student-athlete earned him a   aneurysms. He also pioneered a
                                                  scholarship to Yale to study pre-med   newborn screening and follow-up
                        In the United States and   and later, a trip to the Olympics   program in Kumasi, Ghana, where
                     internationally, Dr. Ohene-  representing Ghana in track and    one in 50 babies have sickle cell
                       Frempong was a leading     field. He received his medical     disease.
                    pediatric sickle cell physician   degree from the Yale School of
                 and a fierce advocate. His work   Medicine in 1975. While finishing   Dr. Ohene-Fremong held many
                  changed the world for many in   his degree, his son became the first   roles on the Sickle Cell Disease
                                our community.    baby diagnosed with sickle cell    Association of America board of
                                                  disease by Dr. Howard Pearson in   directors over the years, including
                      His legacy inspires us and   the pioneering newborn screening   chief medical officer, board chair
                     countless others as we push   program at Yale in 1972. His      and board member emeritus. He
                     for better treatments, better   firsthand experience with sickle cell   also sat on the SCDAA Medical and
                 education and better outcomes    and newborn testing motivated him   Research Advisory Committee.
                         for sickle cell warriors.     to dedicate his life and career to
                                                  studying and advocating for
                         The Sickle Cell Disease   sickle cell.
                 Association of America is proud
               to honor his memory by elevating
                   the voices and efforts of those
                 who dare to make a difference.

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