Page 32 - SCDAA Convention 2022
P. 32


            2022 KWAKU OHENE-FREMPONG, MD,


            Janet Ohene-Frempong

            Moderator:  Kim Smith-Whitley, M.D.


            IT’S TIME TO GET IT RIGHT –


                                   Janet Ohene-Frempong is a plain language and cross-cultural communications expert
                                   with over 25 years of experience in patient-provider communications. Her late husband,
                                   Dr. Kwaku Ohene-Frempong, dedicated his work to sickle cell after their son, Kwame, was
                                   diagnosed in the 1970s. She joins us to share her perspective on pain management as
                                   informed by her experiences as a mother.

                                   On behalf of her late husband, their late son, and their daughter, Afia, Mrs. Ohene
                                   Frempong dedicates this memorial symposium to the memory of Dr. Samir Ballas. For over
                                   two decades, Dr. Ballas eloquently, compassionately and forcefully addressed the issue
                                   of sickle cell pain management, providing a wealth of insights and guidelines. Despite
                                   his work, there still seems to be a gap between what we know about managing sickle
                                   cell pain and what is put into practice. Dr. Ballas stood up for the families who knew this
                                   struggle all too well. In his honor, Mrs. Ohene-Frempong says, it is time to get it right.

                                   Mrs. Ohene-Frempong is the president of J O Frempong & Associates, Inc. She has
                                   conducted workshops and provided consultation for a wide range of health information,
                                   service and care providers, and she is a nationally recognized speaker. She continues in
                                   her mission to promote health literacy as a route to equity and social justice as an Institute
                                   for Healthcare Advancement Strategic Partner for Health Literacy.

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