Page 28 - SCDAA Convention 2022
P. 28


                 CHARLES F. WHITTEN, MD, and

                                    CLARICE D. REID, MD

                     The Charles F. Whitten, MD,
               Memorial and Clarice D. Reid, MD,                                     CLARICE D. REID, MD, began
                   lectures are given annually at                                    her impressive federal career at the
                  SCDAA’s National Convention.                                       Health Services and Mental
                                                                                     Health Administration (HSMHA)
                Their collective careers represent   CHARLES F. WHITTEN, MD,         in 1972, working with the newly
                  over a century of involvement   was the cofounder and president    established Sickle Cell Screening
                      in the research, education,   emeritus of the Sickle Cell Disease   and Education Clinics.
                clinical care, program and policy   Association of America, Inc. His
                 development, and advocacy of     dedication and commitment to       As Deputy Director, she emphasized
                             sickle cell disease.  SCDAA and to those with sickle cell   the importance of community
                                                  disease will be forever respected   programs in addressing national
                        Their combined legacies   and cherished.                     and local issues related to sickle
                continue to provide inspiration to                                   cell disease and was instrumental
                countless scientists and clinicians,   As a pediatric hematologist,   in unifying the community service-
                   as well community and public   Dr. Whitten was among the first    oriented programs with the clinical
                            health practitioners.  to develop and insist on newborn   and basic research programs at the
                                                  screening for sickle cell disease,   National Institutes of Health (NIH).
                         The Sickle Cell Disease   which is now performed
                  Association of America honors   worldwide. In 1974, he formed      The director of the NHLBI/NIH
                them by honoring others, in their   the Sickle Cell Detection and    recruited Dr. Reid on a detail
               name, who have made significant    Information Center in Detroit, MI,   from HSMHA to serve as acting
                   contributions to the sickle cell   the most comprehensive community   chief of the Sickle Cell Disease
                                   community.     program in the country. He also    branch. In 1976, she was appointed
                                                  created color-coded “Whitten       chief of the branch and the
                                                  Dice” to educate couples about the   coordinator of the National Sickle
                                                  genetic risks of having children with   Cell Disease Program.
                                                  sickle cell disease.

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