Page 27 - SCDAA Convention 2022
P. 27

                                           PATIENT ADVOCACY SYMPOSIUM

                                               DISCUSSING EMERGENCY

        This patient-powered roundtable              CARE: WHAT’S YOUR
        promotes self-advocacy and sickle                        “ED TRIP?”
        cell disease education targeted to
        improve patient care. Prepare to be
        engaged, educated, empowered and                     October 14     11a.m. EST
        enriched as our panelists share their life-changing,
        personal stories of struggle and hope.

                             Genice Nelson, DNP, APRN, ANP-BC is a nurse practitioner specialist with UConn Health. She
                             graduated with honors in 2003 and has more than 19 years of diverse experience, especially in nursing.
                             Genice is committed to making a difference in the sickle cell patient community.

                             Speaker:                                               possible.
                             Tonya Mitchell, MBA, CHWI, program                     Speaker:
                             manager, UT Southwestern Medical Center                LeKita Deal is a 48-year-old warrior
                             Comprehensive Sickle Cell Program, is a                who was born and raised in Chicago,
                             single mother of two, a proud grandmother,             Illinois. As a cancer survivor with sickle cell
                             college graduate, and a Texas licensed                 SS disease, her life has defied the odds.
                             Community Health Worker Instructor. As                 Health awareness is her passion, so she
                             the only person in her family with sickle cell         dedicates her time and efforts to assist
                             disease, her mother had to learn to navigate           medical professionals with research and
                             taking care of a child with a debilitating             spreading awareness about SCD. She is a
                             disease that they had never heard of without           mother of four — all who carry the sickle
                             being properly educated by the providers.              cell trait — and has two grandchildren.
                             Her mother was told that if her daughter               Now living in California, she has dedicated
                             wasn’t in enough pain to want to go to the             herself to raising her children and focusing
                             ER that she wasn’t really in pain. This started        on her health. She has spoken on panels
                             Ms. Mitchell’s path to becoming more                   and is a part of several sickle cell disease
                             educated about her disease and learning to             groups where she provides input and shares
                             advocate for herself. Her heart is in taking           personal experiences in dealing with her
                             and understanding patient experiences to               condition. She spends her free time doing
                             break health care norms to have higher                 home health care for children as well.
                             delivery of quality service (based on patient
                             experience), to raise awareness and address
                             systemic barriers for sickle cell patients
                             and families, while delivering the best care

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