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P. 30

This assessment process can help you complete an examination and careful search of
                          your spiritual growth. Follow these simple steps to complete the process.

                          1. Complete the Spiritual Growth Assessment.

                          (1) The assessment helps you think carefully about your spiritual development related
                             to  six  specific  spiritual  disciplines;  abiding  in  Christ,  living  by  God’s  Word,
                             praying in faith, building godly relationships, witnessing to the world, ministering
                             to others.

                          (2) Before completing your responses, ask the Lord to guide your evaluation. Since
                             most of these statements require a subjective response, His guidance is the key to
                             an accurate appraisal.
                          (3) Also, resist the urge to compare scores with others. Self-condemnation or pride

                             could result from such comparisons. Trust God to help  you grow  spiritually by
                             revealing heart issues and empowering you to take action.
                          2. Draw and evaluate your Discipleship Wheel.
                          3. Begin working on a personal growth plan.

                          (1) The Annual Spiritual Growth Plan worksheet helps you formulate an intentional
                             plan  for  growth.  Use  the  Recommended  Actions  for  Spiritual  Growth  Guide  to
                             discover suggestions for actions to include in your plan. As you discuss your plan
                             with  an  accountability  partner,  you  may  discover  additional  actions  that  more

                             effectively meet your needs.
                          (2) As you complete this assessment process the temptation might be to think your
                             efforts are central to growing spiritually. Remember, becoming like Christ centers
                             on  His  work  in  us  and  not  our  work  for  Him.  God  desires  heart  change  over

                             religious  actions.  Without  question,  God  does  the  revealing,  the  renewing,  the
                             empowering, and the recreating. Your part as His disciple is to do the yielding, the
                             submitting, and the obeying.
                          (3) Spiritual Growth Assessment Process Page 2 of 10

                          Spiritual Growth Assessment

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