Page 3 - Q2 2021 Bulldog Security Newsletter_Q1 Reflections.indd
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         kristy diver, payroll

                                                      Employee Showcase

          We’d like to take this opportunity to give a big   Lisa Beeching & Kim Skelton, Mentors
          Bulldog THANK YOU to Bulldog’s Payroll Coordin-
          tor, Kristy Diver. Kristy started with Bulldog May   Both of the Realtor Group’s Mentors, Lisa Beeching and Kim Skelton, ranked
          2018 in Bulldog’s admin department and today   in the top 3 sales reps for 2020. Lisa Beeching taking 1st place with 276
          leads our Payroll department. Her career path is a   installs and Kim securing 3rd place with 222 installs. What makes these two
          true testiment to her hard work and unwaivering   unique is their consistent friendly competition that is ever-present. Their
          dedication. Week after week, Kristy and her team   monthly performance continues to have us on the edge of our seats eagerly
          work tirelessly to make sure every commission, spiff   awaiting Justin’s leaderboard posts.
          and bonus is paid out accurately and on time. Their
          job is looking out for YOUR paycheck! Next time   By way of example, in January Kim tied Lisa’s 2020 record of 14 sales in a
          you talk to Kristy, be sure to thank you for being   single week. She didn’t stop there. In Q1, Kim came in 2nd palce overall in
          a rockstar. She deserves all of the recognition we   sales with a total of 76 families protected with Lisa right behind ended the
          hope this shout-out brings her way.         quarter in 3rd place with 71 families protected.
                                                      As for team performance, Lisa’s team Triumph swept the #1 slot each
                 DID YOU KNOW?                        month, making them the reigning recipients of the coveted Bulldog Cup. In
                                                      January, Team Triumph collectively protected 100 families. In February, they
                                                      protected 67 families and in March, protected another 100 families. That’s a
                 In Q1, Bulldog                       total of 267 families protected among this team of shining stars. Congrats to
                                                      Lisa, Jennifer Aranda, Lisa Denney, John Jones, Kristi Roberts, Gina Chas-
                helped protect                        tain, Brandon Trube, Gio Salama and Tyler Edmunds for a stellar quarterly
                 2,117 families                       Cheers to both Kim and Lisa on their continues success! We look forward to

                                                      providing an update in Q3 on where these two BULLDOG LEGENDS land.

          Employee Showcase Employee Showcase

          Anthony Kwon, Strikeforce                            Brandon Syph, Install Manager

          Month over month, Anthony Kwon                        Brandon was a referral who joined
          sits among the top 3 sales reps in                    Bulldog’s Dallas team in 2019. Since,
          the company. In 2020, he finished                     he has moved twice with Bulldog’s
          in 2nd place overall with 253                         support and now leads Houston’s
          installs. In one year, he helped to                   flagship Installation team out of
          protect 253 families! And he’s still                  Houston that continues to break
          going strong. In Q1, he’s already                     records! Under Brandon’s leader-
          secured a commanding lead for 1st                     ship, Houston’s Installation team
          place with 102 installs. His exten-                   had an amazing Q1 performance
          sive knowledge, passion to help                       with $466,667 in upsales with a $693
          others and sincere demeanor make                      average. The team also maintained a
          him a force to be reckoned with.                      goose rate of 25%. We look forward
          We take this opportunity to  con-                     to seeing what Brandon and team
          gratulate Anthony for his success.                    Houston bring to 2021 & beyond.

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