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          Luke Elwood, Bulldog’s owner, believes
          in promoting from within. In a recent
          interview, Luke opened up about his vision
          for the Bulldog culture since inception and
          a big part of that is his commitment to
          promoting from within. His goal of creat-
          ing a work environment where people can
          continue to personally develop and grow
          while building long-term career  can still   #1 Rated Among Dealers
          be felt across the organization.
          In 2020, there were 22 internal Bulldog   Bulldog’s Install Program Is “Best In Class”
          promotions. We’re on par to tie or surpass
          that for 2021 with 5 promotions in just the   A big standing ovation goes out to Bulldog’s Installation team. Month over month,
          first quarter.                         our Installation team consistently ranks #1 among the ADT Authorized Dealers in
                                                 overall customer satisfaction. Nick Holler, ADT’s Key Account Manager, recently
          Congratulations to the following Bulldog
          employees on their recent promotions.   said, “Bulldog’s scores are exceptional. They are on another level and truly reflect a
                                                 best-in-class program.”
                                                 Since ADT’s customer satisfaction program launched, Bulldog’s Installation team
                                                 has consistently scored 91+% in every category that customers evaluate. Overall
                                                 Installation satisfaction consistently averages an astounding 97%. Per the below
                                                 chart that showcases survey results from the past 6 months, Bulldog averaged a
                                                 97% for our ability to educate, 97% for setting up services, and 98% for answering
                                                 questions. Incredible! Congratulations to Daniel, Kyle, Nick, Brandon, Zachary and
                                                 the entire Install organization. This is truly something to be proud of.

          •   Jacob Fox, Austin
          •   Michael Chagnon, League City

          Asst. Sales Manager:
          •   Adrian Rodriguez, San Antonio

          Asst. Install Manager:
          •   James Walker, Houston              Dallas Reigns Again
          •   Larvell Ceasar, Houston
                                                 The Bulldog Cup Heads Back to Dallas

                                                 Team Dallas earns back Bulldog’s coveted PinPoint Cup. After falling behind to
                                                 team North in Jan & Feb, Dallas took back the #1 office spot in March with 77
                                                 installs. Congratulations team Dallas, you certainly hustled the entire quarter and
                                                 deserve the recognition. Your hard work paid off!
                                                 In Q1, team Dallas had 9 members with
                                                 10 or more installs. Shout out to these
                                                 impressive preformances- Frank Hulsey
                                                 (35), Rodney Wager (33), Butch Strehlow
                                                 (32), Mauricio Jimenez (17), Frederick An-
                                                 nan (16), Brian Batalis (15), Austin Bishop
                                                 (12), Aaron Dees (10), Ian Ramseth (10),
                                                 and Mike Estrada (10).

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