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        PinPoint 50’s Club
        •   Joe Dugger, League City (Jan);
        •   Harold Peterson, Orlando (Jan)
        •   Paul Le, Houston West (Jan, Mar)
        •   Tyler Stutts, San Antonio (Mar)

        PinPoint 60’s Club                         Top Sales Performances
        •   David Young, Houston North (Feb, Mar)    Q1 Salesman of the Month Award Recipients
        •   Joe Dugger, League City (Mar)
        •   Brandon Boettcher, Dallas (Feb)
                                                   January                           March
        PinPoint 70’s Club                         •   Anthony Kwon, North- 37       •   Anthony Kwon, North- 30
                                                                                         Lisa Beeching, Realtor- 26
                                                      Kim Skelton, Realtor- 26
        •   Brandon Boettcher, Dallas (Mar)        •   Eric Taylor, West- 22         •   Butch Strehlow, Dallas- 18
                                                   •   Michael Chagnon, L. City- 17  •   Michael Chagnon, L. City- 17
        PinPoint 90’s Club                         •   Frank Hulsey, Dallas- 14      •   Adrian Rodriguez, SA- 13
        •   Brandon Boettcher, Dallas (Jan)        •   Christopher Taylor, Tampa- 13  •   Armond Weh-Weh- West- 13
                                                   •   Obed Fernandez, Orlando- 12   •   Paul Grubb, Ft. Worth- 12
        PinPoint 100’s Club                        •   Jacob Fox, Austin- 10         •   Jacob Fox, Austin- 10
                                                      Paul Grubb,  Ft. Worth- 10
        •   David Young, Houston North (Jan)
                                                  •   Anthony Kwon, North- 26
        Install A-Team Club                       •   Kim Skelton, Realtor- 19
                                                      Michael Chagnon, L. City- 12
        $500+ quarterly average, <25% goose       •   Jacob Fox, Austin- 10
        •   Dee Smith- $43,532 / $777 avg.        •   Frank Hulsey, Dallas- 10
        •   Xavier Lopez- $26,121 / $706 avg.     •   Joshua Bowerstock, Orlando 10
        •   Terry Mayhue- $11,518 / $548 avg.     •   Daniel Higuera, Miami- 10
        •   Gerardo Perales- $10,404 / $548 avg.
        •   Brandon Syph (Team Houston)-
           $466,667 / $673 avg.                   Teaser- Q2 Future Look
        •   Jason Gray (Team Dallas)-
           $301,395 / $593 avg.                   Enhancing the Bulldog experience- inside & out

        Install Elite Club                        There’s much to be exciting about for Q2! Our Marketing and customer service team are
                                                  working hand in hand to enhance Bulldog’s omnichannel online customer experience
        $600+ quarterly average, <20% goose       that will include smart AI to better help our customer where and when they need us. We
        •   Brodrick Francis- $59,735 / $1,457 avg.  look forward to better serving our customers with more communication options and
        •   Harry Porter- $47,533 / $1,285 avg.   much faster response times. In addition to the customer experience, Bulldog is working
        •   Trey Bernadou- $99,335 / $1,577 avg.  diligently to enhance the recruitment and new hire experience. As part of this initiative,
        •   Larvell Ceasar- $60,033 / $1,001 avg.  we’re working to create new, engaging lobby entertainment comprised of multiple vid-
        •   Peter Gratzer- $38,292 / $815 avg.    eo segments that highlight Bulldog’s culture, advancement and growth opportunities,
        •   Anthony Delacruz- $45,376/ $1,226 avg  and offers insight into why what we do matters. These segments will include employee
        •   Osvaldo Burgos- $41,504 / $1,153 avg.  video clips and voiceovers in an effort to provide candidates with personalized, transpar-
        •   Rafarl Irizarry- $40,806 / $1,046 avg.  ent insights directly from the source.
        •   Zachary Bruner (Team Orlando)-                                     We’ve also begun work to enhance our training
           $172,321 / $866 avg.
                                                                               materials. We’ve wrapped filming on the Install
                                                                               process and equipment training, as well as the
        Install 50K Club                                                       PinPoint sales process. Once received, these clips
        •   Brodrick Francis- $59,735 / $1,457 avg.                            will be embedded into Bulldog’s newly branded
        •   Trey Bernadou- $99,335 / $1,577 avg.                               (and ugraded) decks to truly showcase the level
        •   Larvell Ceasar- $60,033 / $1,001 avg.                              of professionalism our training programs deserve.

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