Page 74 - PinPoint Training_ Day 2
P. 74


                                                                                                              What It Means For YOU
        S A L E S   T R A I N I N G - D A Y   2

                                                                                                                          Positioning For Success- Continued

                                                                                    Relocation Manager: “Off to a good start, right?!

                                                                                    Now let’s try and do something with this $199 installation fee.

                                                HQ-AHI  ME-BHI
                                                $599   $0                           Tell you what, if you can do me a favor, then I can do you a favor
                                                $199   $0
                                                                                    I have a technician in your area tomorrow already doing an install
                                                                                    for your neighbor, if you can get installed tomorrow as well either
                                                                                    9-12 or 2-5, I would not have to pay him double to come out and

                                                                                    do your installation, which would allow me to waive this $199
                                                                                    installation fee! Now can you get installed tomorrow so I can

                                                                                    waive this for you? Which slot works best for you? 9-12 or 2-5?”
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