Page 4 - test
P. 4
Ref : CM-DFH4-2014-1
BEAZLEY Issue : 1
DFH 4 Series Spacecraft Date : 28 Sept 2014
Page 2 of 38
They have a good road map for the evolution of the platform from DF3 to DFH5, nevertheless it will require to undergo
significant steps (Power, mass, electrical propulsion…), all these steps will require, engineering resources, investments
and cannot be done in a short period. The same applies for the Ku and C band payload. But the evidence of their
mastering for the Ka band payload is far from giving confidence that they can develop these satellites within the
proposed schedule
Since they have previous experiences (good or bad),on the classical Ku and C bands satellites it is not clear how they
cross fertilize between programs (lessons learned).
The qualification classification of units (almost everything qualified) seems abusive mainly for what is link with Ka band
equipment, The classification process (Equipment Qualification Status Review EQSR) needs some improvements to
converge on a consensus of classification with the final customer at the early stage of the program.
For the spacecraft under consideration for this study:
LAOSAT DFH 4S: should be not too challenging and achievable in the proposed schedule with some challenges
(Li ion battery). It is assumed for this programs that mainly the payload Rx and TWTA are really qualified and
have a good demonstrated in orbit behavior.
CHINASAT 9 DFHS 4: should be not too challenging and achievable in the proposed schedule
CHINASAT 16 DFHS 4 S: Challenging program with ka band payload, and Electrical propulsion. Schedule not
credible. Stating that Ka TWTA (100 W) are flight proven on DGH 4 is more than questionable and induce a
loss of confidence in the presentation. Same comment when stating that the IPS is qualified on DFH-4S!
CHINASAT 18 DFE 4E: Specification and requirements not yet defined. Cannot be assessed with the
information provided, but challenging for the power increase.
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