Page 10 - News_Speech-Nation
P. 10
ModeL aNswer 자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.
Short Q Could you tell me what this article is about?
TALK A This article is about a survey showing that young Korean
couples prefer daughters to sons.
Q According to the article, who were the survey participants?
A The survey participants were parents whose babies were
born between April and August of 2010.
Q Between fathers and mothers, which group has a slightly
stronger preference for daughters over sons?
A The survey shows that fathers want baby girls more than
Long 도입 Personally, I prefer daughters to sons for two reasons.
TALK 이유1 One reason is that raising daughters is less demanding
physically. Many mothers say baby boys are much more
active and easily become troublemakers. It could be very
exhausting for mothers because they have to watch them
around the clock.
이유2 The other reason is that daughters are usually more
expressive and care about their parents more even after
they get married. Chatting with their daughters puts
parents, especially mothers, in a good mood.
마무리 For these reasons, I would like to have a baby girl rather
than a baby boy.
개인적으로, 저는 두 가지 이유에서 아들보다 딸을 선호합니다.
우선, 딸을 키우는 것이 육체적으로 힘이 덜 듭니다. 많은 엄마들은 남자
아이가 훨씬 더 활동적이고 말썽꾸러기가 되기 쉽다고 말합니다. 남자 아이들은
밤낮없이 지켜봐야 하기 때문에 엄마들로서는 매우 힘들 수 있죠.
또 다른 이유는 딸들이 대개 더 표현을 잘 하고, 심지어 결혼을 한 후에도
부모에게 더 신경을 쓰기 때문입니다. 딸들과 이야기를 함으로써 부모들, 특히
엄마들은 기분이 좋아지죠.
이런 이유로, 저는 남자 아이보다는 여자 아이를 갖고 싶습니다.