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TOPIC 01 딸 선호 현상
couples Prefer
daughters over sons
남아 선호 사상은 옛말이 된 지 오래인데요. ‘딸 바보’라는 유행어에서도 알 수 있듯이, 요즘 딸을 선호하는
부부들이 급증하는 추세입니다. 새로운 트렌드인 여아 선호 현상에 대해 이야기해 봅시다.
Pre-study In South Korea, couples traditionally preferred to
have sons. However, all of that is changing. According
뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
따라 읽어 보세요. to a recent survey by the Korea Institute of Child Care
and Education (KICCE), most couples now want
뉴스 듣기
The KICCE surveyed 1,000 homes throughout the
country. The survey participants were parents with
babies born between April and August of 2010. They
asked the parents if they preferred sons or daughters.
The results were surprising: 40.7 percent of fathers
wanted a baby girl and only 26.1 percent wanted a baby
boy. Similarly, 39.5 percent of mothers wanted a baby
girl and only 30.3 percent wanted a baby boy.
•couple 부부, 남녀 커플
•prefer (to do[~ing])
(~하는 것을) 선호하다
•survey 설문 조사; 설문
조사를 실시하다
•throughout the country
•baby girl 여아
•baby boy 남아
•similarly 마찬가지로