Page 41 - News_Speech-Nation
P. 41
MaIN-study 전화영어 선생님과 함께 뉴스 내용을 이야기해 보세요.
Get Answer the questions briefly.
Q1 Have you ever met a foreigner who came to work in Korea?
Q2 Have you thought of living in a foreign country? If so, what are
the reasons?
Short Answer the questions using the hints in Korean.
Q What is this article mainly about?
A This article is about 한국 내 외국인 거주자 수의 큰 증가
Q According to the national census, where are the foreign
residents in Korea from?
A The national census shows that the foreign residents in Korea
세계 각지의 90개국 출신이다
Q Which nationality accounts for the largest part of the
foreigners in Korea?
A Chinese citizens, including people of Korean descent,
외국인 수의 절반 이상을 차지한다
Long Express your ideas using the mind map in Korean.
Q Korea had not been open for foreign residents, but it’s changing
entirely these days. How do you think we should change our
mindset to harmonize with foreign residents in Korea?
노력1 다문화를 노력2
외국인 근로자 노고에 감사 위한 노력 이문화에 대한 존중
A 도입 It seems to me that
노력1 The first way is
노력2 The second way is
마무리 If we all work together,