Page 45 - News_Speech-Nation
P. 45

MaIN-study   전화영어 선생님과 함께 뉴스 내용을 이야기해 보세요.

            Get           Answer the questions briefly.
                          Q1  Have you ever bought imitation goods? If so, what kind of
                             items were they?
                          Q2  Have you ever had luxury goods or are you planning to get


            TALK          Answer the questions using the hints in Korean.
                          Q  What is this article mainly about?
                          A  This article is about 활성화된 모조 명품의 판매 in Myeong-dong
                             despite police crackdowns.

                          Q  According to the article, how do some vendors avoid police
                          A  They 모조품 판매를 중단한 척 한다 during a crackdown and then
                             resume selling them later.

                          Q  Why do the police overlook fake goods sales in Myeong-dong?
                          A  Some vendors say that’s because
                             그들 사업이 지역 경제에 중요한 역할을 한다

            TALK          Express your ideas using the mind map in Korean.
                          Q  Many people buy fake luxury goods even though many of
                             them think it is not the right thing to do. What do you think
                             motivates people to buy fake goods?

                                                  가짜 명품
                                이유1 뽐내고 싶어함                  이유2 저비용에 멋진 디자인
                                                  구매 이유

                          A   도입   I think there are a few reasons
                             이유1   Firstly,
                             이유2  Secondly,
                             마무리  That’s why

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