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TOPIC 11 젊은 층, 온라인 친구 더 편하게 느껴
young koreans
Prefer Invisible friends
한국 젊은이들이 현실의 친구보다 온라인 친구들과 더 많은 시간을 보내고 있다고 합니다. 이들의 친목 도모
방식이 부모 세대와 어떻게 다른지 잘 들어 보세요.
Pre-study Friendship is changing in South Korea as technology
advances. To begin with, young people are spending
뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
따라 읽어 보세요. more and more time online in virtual worlds rather than
in the real one. As a result, Korean youth have a growing
뉴스 듣기
number of invisible “virtual friends” but less contact
with their real-life ones.
Experts say that young Koreans today do not socialize
in small, intimate groups like their parents do. Instead,
they depend on a large number of online acquaintances
to meet their social needs. And PC messaging services
such as NateOn and MSN and smartphone messaging
services like Kakao Talk make it easy to communicate
with anyone, anytime and from anywhere.
•advance 발전하다
•to begin with 우선
•virtual world 가상 세계
•invisible 보이지 않는
•real-life 실제의, 현실의
•socialize 사귀다, 교제하다
•intimate 친밀한, 친숙한
•depend on ~에 의지하다
•acquaintance 지인
•meet one’s social needs
사회적 욕구를 충족시키다