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TOPIC 12  대한항공, 암환자 탑승 거부
        korean air

        refuses cancer Patient

        대한항공이 암환자의 탑승을 거부한 사건에 대해 과도한 규제를 한 것이 아닌가 하는 여론이 있습니다.
        대한항공 측에서 암환자의 탑승을 거부한 이유는 무엇인지 잘 들어보고 자신의 의견을 말해 봅시다.

        Pre-study               Korean Air is causing a stir in the United States for
                             its strict regulations concerning patients with medical
        뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
        따라 읽어 보세요.           conditions.
                                Sixty-two-year-old Crystal Kim and her daughter
        뉴스 듣기
                             Mimi had booked two tickets to fly from Seattle to
                             Seoul. However, when they arrived at the ticket counter,
                             the Korean Air staff said Crystal looked too sick to fly.
                             Crystal had been diagnosed with stage four breast cancer
                             and planned to go to Korea to add Eastern medicine to
                             her cancer treatment. Mimi said that her mother had a
                             doctor’s note allowing her to fly.
                                But the Korean Air staff did not accept it. According
                             to the staff, Crystal did not look well enough to take an
                             eleven-hour flight.

       •cause a stir
         논란을 일으키다
       •strict 엄격한
       •regulation 규제
       •concerning ~에 관한
       •be diagnosed with
         ~로 진단받다
       •stage four 4기의
       •breast cancer 유방암
       •Eastern medicine 한의학
       •cancer treatment 암 치료
       •doctor’s note 의사 진단서
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