Page 81 - News_Speech-Nation
P. 81
MaIN-study 전화영어 선생님과 함께 뉴스 내용을 이야기해 보세요.
Get Answer the questions briefly.
Q1 Have you experienced any kind of natural disaster before?
Q2 Do you think Korea is safe from earthquakes?
TALK Answer the questions using the hints in Korean.
Q What does this article talk about?
A This article talks about Koreans’ concern about
일본에서의 대지진 이후로 지진 안정성
Q According to the article, what is the problem with the majority
of buildings in Korea?
A The majority of buildings in Korea 내진 설계 기준에 부합하지 않는다
Q According to experts, why is Korea quite safe from
A It is because the Korean Peninsula is located on a stable
tectonic plate and is 침입대에서 멀리 떨어져 있다 in Japan.
TALK Express your ideas using the mind map in Korean.
Q What do you think the government can do to minimize
earthquake damage? Think of two ideas.
지진 피해를
방안1 방안2
줄이기 위한
건축 규제 강화 지진 경보 시스템 가동
정부 방안
A 도입 I think there are two important actions
방안1 First of all,
방안2 Second of all,
마무리 By doing these,