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P. 84

TOPIC 20  이중 국적자의 병역 정책에 국회의원들 분노
        Lawmakers upset over

        draft Policy for dual citizens

        귀화 외국인들과 한국 태생 이중 국적자들의 병역 정책에 관한 뉴스입니다. 여야 의원들이 이 정책에
        반대하는 이유는 무엇인지 잘 들어 보세요.

        Pre-study               The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of National
                             Defense have recently adopted a conscription policy
        뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
        따라 읽어 보세요.           that is upsetting lawmakers from both the ruling and
                             opposition parties. According to the policy, dual citizens
        뉴스 듣기
                             with an ethnic Korean background will be subject to
                             military conscription while non-ethnic Koreans will be
                                Early this year, the South Korean government began
                             offering dual citizenship to outstanding foreigners and
                             Koreans born abroad in order to attract global talent.
                             However, when it comes to military conscription, many
                             lawmakers argue that the revised law is unclear and
                             criticize the government for failing to explain why some
                             dual citizens can still be exempt.

       •draft 징집, 징집하다
       •dual citizen 이중 국적자
       •The Ministry of Justice
       •The Ministry of National
         Defense 국방부
       •conscription 징병제
       •ruling party 여당
       •opposition party 야당
       •ethnic 민족의, 인종의
       •be subject to ~의 대상이다
       •exempt 면제되는
       •when it comes to
         ~에 관해서는
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