Page 51 - OPIC-Intermediate
P. 51

Answer B:

               As a young man, I am not fond of shopping. I find it tiring. I would rather stay home and watch a
               movie. However, sometimes, I spend time with my sisters who love visiting malls. My unforgettable
               shopping experience happened last year, several days before New Year’s Day. My elder sister
               needed me to carry the things she would buy for the holiday, so I reluctantly obliged. The
               department store was so crowded with people making rush shopping. My sister was very busy
               checking out different items while I was occupied looking at some items on display. Suddenly, I
               noticed that one of our shopping bags was missing. My sister and I panicked. After 20 minutes
               of recalling where we could have possibly left it, we went back to the store we last visited and
               were able to retrieve the bag. The kind owner had it for safekeeping.

              Points to emphasize in answering:

                   Describe how you feel about shopping.
                            [example: I find it tiring.]

                   State when your experience happened.
                            [example: My unforgettable shopping experience happened last year, several days
                            before New Year’s Day.]

                   Narrate how your experience happened.
                            [example: My sister and I panicked when we noticed that one of our bags was


                fond - having a liking
                reluctant - not willing
                oblige - to do a favor
                on display - being shown for viewing
                panic - to feel a sudden fear
                possibly - maybe
                retrieve - to get back or recover a loss
                safekeeping - the condition of being kept safe

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