Page 83 - OPIC-Intermediate
P. 83

Answer B:
               I  am  not  fond  of  reading  books  aside  from  the  ones  I  use  in  school.  I  read  magazines  or
               newspaper instead of books. Newspaper or magazines are more accessible for me. Since I
               live in an apartment, I can get a subscription for a daily newspaper. It is delivered to me every
               morning. I read the news and articles. It gives me knowledge on what’s happening in town. I also
               enjoy solving the crossword puzzle. For magazines, I can always go to the nearby convenience
               store  to  get  the  latest  copy.  I  go  for  fashion  magazines  to  get  the  latest  trends  in  fashion.
               Sometimes, when I visit a friend’s house, a magazine always just lies around anywhere, so I can
               pick one up anytime I want to read leisurely. For me, reading magazines or newspaper is a way
               for me to get out of the usual books without sacrificing sufficiency in reading.

              Points to emphasize in answering:
                   Try to provide a reading material as substitute for not reading books.
                            [example: I read magazines or newspaper instead of books.]

                   Give a reason or reasons why you choose this type of reading.
                            [example: Newspaper or magazines are more accessible for me.]

                   Provide details like:
                   - When do you usually read?
                   - What parts do you like to read?
                   - What are the benefits you get from reading?

                   Conclude the discussion.
                            [example: For me, reading magazines or newspaper is a way for me to get out of the
                            usual books without sacrificing sufficiency in reading.]


                not fond of - do not like something that much
                accessible - easy to get
                what’s happening in town - events happening around
                go for - choose; prefer
                lies around anywhere - can be seen anywhere
                leisurely - in a relaxing way
                adequacy - competence
                sacrificing - to surrender or to give up
                sufficiency - the condition of having enough

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