Page 104 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 104


       Getting Ready to $peak

       A.  Learn the words.
       -.~(:t’l'~ iIIl C"~tr.rin-
          silicon         a nonmetallic element found  in  the Earth
          microchip       a smal l device used to run  electronics
          monumental      of great importance or significance
          venture capitalist  a person who invests in  small companies to help them expand
          explode         to  blow up  α to burst


          synonymous      having  the  same meaning
          reliant         dependent
          federal         pertaining to a central national government
          commerce        the trade of goods and  services
          inhabit         to  live  or be found  in  a place

       B.  Read  the passage. Then answer the questions.

                                 The Birth of Silicon Valley
                Silicon  Valley  is  synonymous with  computers.  It  is  located on  the  southern
             part of the San  Francisco Bay. It is  also really close to  Stanford  University.
                Si licon is  an  important element in  making microchips. The microchip was a
             monumental invention that came from Silicon Valley.  Modern technology is reliant
             upon the microchip. Because of this , hundreds of other technology firms began
             to form in the area. Soon Silicon Valley was making microchips, computers, and
             software. These companies all needed money, so venture capitalists soon came
             in  to fund these new companies.  Silicon Valley was  born
          1.  Which  impαtant invention came from  Silicon Valley?
             The                                       was  invented  in  Silicon  Valley
          2.  Why are there so  many technology firms  in  Silicon Valley?
             There are  so  many technology firms  because
          3.  What do you think this  lecture will  be about?
             1 think this lecture will be about
       률 률 Now practice the questions and answers with a partner.
       n c.  Listen and repeat. e훨휩
                                                               UNIT 10  Integrated  107
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