Page 106 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 106

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       n D.  Listen to the sample response and complete the outline.  뭘벌훤
             The lecture and the passage were about
             A.  Name
               1.  Is located on
               2.  Got its  name  from
             B.  Companies
               1.  Two Stanford  graduates started
                  •  It  became the
               2.  Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce started
                  •  Used the                                 to start their company
                  •  It was a
            C‘  New companies
               1.  Companies soon came to Silicon  Valley because
               2.  These  companies needed
               3.                                                gave them  money
               4.  People  became

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       g 률 E.  Now work with a partner. Take turns saying your own response using the
               outline from above.
               Your time:        seconds       Your  partner’s time:    seconds

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       F.  Fill  in the blanks with the correct words.

             synonymous       federal     reliant    commerce       inhabit

       1.  Inuit Native Americans            the northern parts of Canada and Alaska
       2.  The business world has become            upon the Internet for fast
       3.  The iPod  is            with  MP3 players
       4.  The               government is much stronger and more powerful than  city
       5.  Even today, most             is done on  boats and on the railroad ; the same
          as it was done one hundred years ago.

                                                               UNIT 10  Integrated  109
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