Page 110 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 110

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       Getting Ready to Speak

       A.  Learn the words.


          keep in touch    to  stay in  contact with  someone
          cope             to  deal with something  successfully
          set              a group of people or things
          peer             a person who  is of equal standing with another
          strain           stress on  the  body or mind

          heritage         a person’s past or where they come from
          solitude         the  state of being alone
          urban            relating to a city
          resentful        a feeling  of anger about something
          preconceived     formed  in  the  mind in  advance

       B.  Read  the prompt. Then answer the questions.

                                  Talk about your hometown.
          1.  00 you  have a lot of family and friends  in  your hometown?
             I have/don’t have
          2.  00 you think there are a lot of job opportunities in  your hometown? Why?
             I think there
          3.  00 you think your town is  a good  place to raise  a family? Why?
             I think that it

       g 톨 Now practice the questions and answers with a partner.

       n c.  Listen and repeat.  뭘월훨
                                                              UNIT 11  Independent  113
   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115