Page 105 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 105


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        A.  Read  the passage again and underline the key information.

                                  The Birth of Silicon Valley
                Silicon Valley  is synonymous  with computers.  It  is  located  on the  southern
             part of the San  Francisco Bay. It is also really close to Stanford  University
                Si licon is  an i mpαtant element in making microchips. The microchip was a
             monumental invention that came from Silicon Valley.  Modern technology is reliant
             upon the microchip. Because of this, hundreds of other technology firms began
             to form in the area. Soon Silicon Valley was making microchips , computers, and
             software. These companies all  needed money, so venture capitalists soon came
             in  to fund these new companies.  Silicon Valley was born.

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       n B.  Listen to the lecture and take notes. 뭘월훨
              Location and name
               •  Is located
               •  Got its name from
             What was started there
               •  Two  Stanford  graduates  started
                 - Name was
                 - Became
               •  Also  worked on
                 - Robert Noyce and Gordon  Moore sta rted
                 - It was a
              What else came there
                •  People came  because
                •  Needed
                •  People became

        C.  Read  the prompt.

              The  professor  and  the  passage  give  details  about  Silicon  Valley.  Talk about
              how Silicon Valley came to be synonymous with technology.

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