Page 109 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 109


        ·~픔I따'Ilf';l'lI l~.l ‘’~~필
        Fill  in the blanks with the correct words.

              silicon    lecture      pre-made          semlnars    microchip
              assistant   monumental   venture capitalists   explode   further

        1.  Parents often              their children on the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
        2.  A                is inside every computer
        3.  After high school, many students           their education  by going to
        4.                 food that you put in the microwave is less healthy than normal
           food .
        5.  The Battle of Waterloo was a           victory for England because it finally
           defeated Napoleon and the French.
        6.  Companies use                to teach their employees new things they are
           trying to  do
        7.  It is  dangerous to smoke when putting gasoline  into your car because the
           gasoline can _
        8.  The                to the chef in  a kitchen  is called  the sous-chef.
        9.  Small companies often  go to           to get money to expand .
       10.                 is one of the most abundant elements in the Earth .

        112  I Speaking I
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