Page 111 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 111
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률 률 A. Read the prompt. Then take turns answering the questions with a partner.
Talk about some of the people that you know in your town.
1. Who do you know that grew up in a different city than where they live now?
2. 0 0 you think this person is happy about moving? Why?
3. Who do you know that grew up in your hometown?
4. 0 0 you think he or she is happy for never moving? Why?
B. Make a list of reasons to move to a new city with your classmates.
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C. Read the prompt. Then complete the answers with your own information.
Talk about a city you visited that you really liked.
Which? 1 visited
When? 1 visited ago
What? The thing 1 liked most about this city was its
Why? 1 would/wouldn’t want to live there because
t t Now pra띠ce your answers with a partner.
D. Make a list of good things about living close to home with a partner.
114 I Speaking I