Page 60 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 60
Lesson 15
We were born in this world helpless.
During the first few years, we depend on our
parents for all our needs. They feed, bathe,
dress us up and etc. Then, as we grow
older, the dependency lessens. We can start
doing activities on our own but still with their
supervision. But time would come when we no longer seek their approval and
guidance. This is the period where we have the freedom to make choices and
decisions and can live on our own.
Use of etc: Etc is short for the Latin phrase “et cetera” which means the rest.
It is used to avoid giving a complete list.
► They feed, bathe, dress us up and etc
1. Until what age should one be dependent from his parents?
2. Dependency might come into different forms,
one is finances. Can you think of another? Keywords
3. Do you agree that man cannot live without Helpless / guidance /
depending on others? freedom
4. Do you consider yourself independent?
5. What are the disadvantages of depending too much?
Vocabulary & Expressions
Sample Answers Bathe - to take a bath
Lessens - reduces
1. Eighteen is the legal age and I think one is
mature enough to make important life-related decisions.
2. One example is decision-making.
3. Yes. There will be a time when he would be asking for other people’s help.
4. Yes. I make decisions on my own and support myself.
5. A dependent person will be put into troubles when the person he’s
depending on is no longer there.