Page 65 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 65


                   Try to guess the phrase that defines the given word.

                   1.   noble
                          a. having admirable moral character
                          b. possessing rudeness

                          c. being too arrogant
                   2.   sacrifice
                          a. saving something valuable                b. giving up something precious
                          c. salvaging something that is not worthy
                   3.   sake
                          a. welfare of somebody                      b. punishment for somebody
                          c. fault of somebody
                   4.   capable
                          a. able to perform something                b. unable to do anything
                          c. only good at a few things
                   5.   willing

                          a. hesitant in doing something
                          b. prepared to do something voluntarily
                          c. forced to obey


                   Give the meaning of the compound word.

                   1.   seafood
                          a. shellfish and fish from the sea that can be eaten
                          b. food cooked along the beach
                          c. food taken by marine animals
                   2.   hotdog
                          a. a wild dog                       b. small, smoked sausage
                          c. meat from dogs
                    3.  underworld
                          a. a world under the sea            b. part of society living in crime

                          c. outer space
                   4.   bedroom
                          a. a wide bed                       b. place used for sleeping
                          c. an air bed
                   5.   motorcycle
                          a. the spinning of  wheel
                          b. a two-wheeled vehicle with an engine
                          c. a car

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