Page 208 - SB_G4.1_M1-5_Flip
P. 208

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                                                37  NARRATOR: Each evening, to get in shape for the race, Young John
                                                   went out for a run. (He runs around stage.) Soon he could run as
                                                   fast as the wind.

                                                38  YOUNG JOHN (Jogging in place): I think I’m ready! Practice really
                                                   does make perfect. (Jogs off)

                                                39  NARRATOR: At last, the day of the race arrived! Trumpets sounded
                                                   (MESSENGERS enter and blow fanfare on kazoos)—O.K., kazoos
                                                   sounded—and the runners and spectators gathered. (YOUNG
                                                   MEN, YOUNG JOHN, SPECTATORS, MESSENGERS, and

                                                   ATALANTA enter. All runners stretch out. KING HENRY enters.)

                                                40  KING: Welcome, welcome, everyone, on this great day! To the
                                                   runners, I wish you good luck. And to you, my dear Atalanta, I
                                                   must say farewell. By tomorrow you will be married!

                                                41  ATALANTA: Don’t be so sure about that, Dad. (Steps to audience)
                                                   They’re going to eat my dust!

                                                42  KING: Runners, to the starting line! (They line up at one side of
                                                   stage.) On your mark, get set, go! (All start running in “slow
                                                   motion.” Spectators do silent, “slow motion” cheering.)

                                                     spectators  Spectators are people who watch an event, such as a sports competition.

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