Page 209 - SB_G4.1_M1-5_Flip
P. 209

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                    43  NARRATOR: At first, the runners ran as a group, but soon Atalanta
                       pulled ahead. (She does so.) Before long, most of the runners fell
                       down, exhausted. (They do, but not YOUNG JOHN) Except for one
                       runner—Young John kept right up with Atalanta. (They are side

                       by side now.)

                    44  ATALANTA: What do you think you’re doing?

                    45  YOUNG JOHN: Keeping up with you!

                    46  ATALANTA: I can see that. I’m impressed. (They smile at
                       each other.)

                    47  NARRATOR: Atalanta and Young John crossed the finish line side
                       by side. (SPECTATORS cheer. ATALANTA and YOUNG JOHN
                       stop running, breathing hard, high-five each other.)

                    48  KING (Coming to them): Who is this young man, Atalanta?

                    49  ATALANTA: Father, this is Young John from our town.
                       (YOUNG JOHN extends hand to KING; they shake.)

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