Page 84 - PowerE-L05-B
P. 84


               Lesson 1                                         Lesson 4
               	 Vocabulary     p.3                             	 Vocabulary					p.15
                    1. Cyberspace                                    1. TRANSPOSE
                    2. Milliseconds                                  2. DISTORT
                    3. Tolerable                                     3. SKEW
                    4. Bandwidth                                     4. AMBIENT
                    5. Endearing                                     5. OPACITY
                 Grammar					p.3                                	 Grammar					p.15
                    1. easily (Use an adverb to describe an action {cannot navigate easily.)       1. her (Use a possessive pronoun to show ownership.)
                    2. speedy (Use an adverb to describe the action in the sentence {downloading at a        2. be (Use the base form of a verb to form the infinitive.)
                        speedy rate)                                 3. younger (Use the comparative adjective when showing comparison.)
                    3. me (Use the objective case of a pronoun when being used as a direct or indirect        4. how (Use ‘how’ to start an adverbial clause of manner.)
                        object.)                                     5. used (A past participle is needed here to describe the noun.)
                    4. on (Use “on” when attaching something.)
                    5. while (Use “while” to mean happening at the same time.)    Exercises					p.16
                                                                     1. FLAWS
                 Exercises					p.4                                   2. ADORABLE
                    1. LUXURIOUS                                     3. RESTORE
                    2. CONNECTION                                    4. EDITOR
                    3. MULTIMEDIA                                    5. COSMETIC
                    4. SHOPPING
                    5. TECHNOLOGY                               	 Reading	Comprehension					p.17
                                                                     1. A.
               	 Reading	Comprehension					p.5                       2. A.
                    1. A. waiting for colorful and animated pages to load       3. A.
                    2. A. 56 kbps modem                              4. A.
                    3. A. Give the option to choose what kind of pages to load       5. TRUE
                    4. A. a simple text file
                    5. A. those pop ups and rollovers           Lesson 5
                                                                  Vocabulary					p.19
               Lesson 2                                                1. A. taboo
                                                                   2. A.
               	 Vocabulary					p.7                                  3. A.
                    1. PARADOX                                       4. A.
                    2. TANGIBLE                                      5. A.
                    3. INGRAINED
                    4. STATISTICS                               	 Grammar     p.19
                    5. VIRTUAL                                       1. does (Use a singular verb to conform with the singular noun.)
               	 Grammar					p.7                                     2. these (Use a plural demonstrative pronoun for more than a single entity.)
                    1. win (Use the present tense of an action verb together with an auxiliary to form the       3. seen (Use a past participle when using the auxiliary ‘have’.)
                        future tense)                                4. baring (Use a past participle to form a participial phrase to describe the object in
                    2. see (Use the base form of a verb when forming an infinitive)           the sentence.)
                    3. on (Use the preposition ‘on’ when referring to mass media such TV, newspapers        5. for (Use ‘for’ to mean with the object or purpose {the need for change}.)
                        and the radio)
                    4. manually (Use an adverb to describe an action.)  	 Exercises					p.20
                    5. compare (Use the base form of a verb to form the infinitive.)       1. SCENES
                                                                     2. BRAND
               	 Exercises					p.8                                   3. SYMBOLIZES
                  1. STATISTICS                                      4. POSED
                  2. INTERACT                                        5. BEAUTY
                  3. REPLACE
                  4. TANGIBLE                                   	 Reading	Comprehension					p.21
                  5. CALCULATE                                       1. B. Nude models
                                                                     2. B. in a repressed society
               	 Reading	Comprehension					p.9                       3. A. people’s sexual rigidity
                    1. A.                                            4. A. the need for nude pictures for artistic and commercial purposes
                    2. A.                                            5. TRUE
                    3. A.
                    4. A.
                    5. TRUE                                     Lesson 6
                                                                	 Vocabulary					p.23
                                                                     1. INSIGNIFICANT
               Lesson 3                                                2. MINOR
                                                                   3. INTIMATE
               	 Vocabulary					p.11                                 4. DISTINGUISH
                    1. A. Posterity                                  5. APPEARANCE
                    2. A. Loll
                    3. A. Tranquil
                    4. A. Elaborate                             	 Grammar					p.23
                    5. A. Metropolis                                 1. D. (The correct word is “his” since a masculine pronoun is needed.)
                                                                     2. C. (The correct word is “didn’t” since the action happened in the past.)
               	 Grammar					p.11                                      3. D. (The correct answer is “mirror”. It is a noun referring to the thing we look at to
                                                                       see ourselves. “Mirrored” is a verb that means “to reflect”.)
                    1. took (Use the simple past tense of a verb for actions that already happened.       4. D. (The correct word is “dresses”. The pronoun “she” is singular, so the verb must
                    2. remind (Use a plural verb to agree with the plural subject.)           be in singular form too.)
                    3. emotion (Use a noun as an object of the verb ‘capture’.)       5. A. (The correct words should be “Michael and I”. the pronoun “I” should always
                    4. these (Use a plural demonstrative pronoun since there is more than a single            come last in a subject if there are more than one in it.)
                    5. with (Use “with” to mean accompanied or using {I eat with a spoon and fork}.)
                                                                	 Exercises					p.24
               	 Exercises					p.12                                    1. I sometimes listen to their comments. / Sometimes, I listen to their comments.
                                                                   2. Yes, I think it is important.
                    1. METROPOLIS                                    3. B. His comments are not that important. (“Not that important” also means too
                    2. PRESERVE                                          small or unimportant to consider.)
                    3. OVERBURDENED                                  4. A. I think I can tell the twins apart. (To distinguish means to recognize the
                    4. TRANQUIL                                         difference between two things or to tell apart.)
                    5. THREATENED                                    5. C. The mother and the daughter are close. (Intimate also means close.)
               	 Reading	Comprehension    p.13                    Reading	Comprehension					p.25
                    1. B. Korean streets                             1. False (He listens to insignificant comments.)
                    2. A. fat persimmons                             2. False (They tell him he lacks in self-confidence.)
                    3. B. cherry blossoms                            3. True
                    4. A. fallen leaves                              4. True
                    5. C. grass                                      5. True
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