Page 85 - PowerE-L05-B
P. 85
Lesson 7 Lesson 10
Vocabulary p.27 Vocabulary p.39
1. C. sensitive (“Sensitive” means able to understand other people’s feelings.) 1. B. sterile (Sterile means completely clean.)
2. B. sensible (“Sensible” means able to judge things well.) 2. A. abducted (Abducted also means kidnapped or taken away by force.)
3. C. expresses (“Expresses” means to show or to communicate.) 3. A. testimony (A formal statement that something is true.)
4. A. emotional (“Emotional” means full of emotion.) 4. B. fiery (Fiery means looking like fire. An angry person is usually described as
5. B. criticism (“Criticism” means the act of finding a fault of others.) fiery.)
5. C. skeptic (Skeptic is also one who doubts.)
Grammar p.27
1. A. honest (An adjective is needed to describe the noun.) Grammar p.39
2. C. up (To “make up” stories means to invent stories.) 1. A. emotional (An adjective shou8ld be used to describe the subject Andrew”.)
3. A. out (To “make out” means to understand.) 2. B. tends (The simple present tense of the verb should be used here. Also, since
4. B. speaks (The simple present tense of the verb should be used here. Also, since the subject is singular, the verb must be in singular form as well.)
the subject is singular, the verb must be in singular form as well.) 3. B. about (it means “concerned with”.)
5. C. his (The possessive pronoun “his” should be used to show possession.) 4. A. well (“Well” is used to show that an action is good.)
5. C. but (The conjunction “but” is used to mean contrary to what is expected.)
Exercises p.28
1. I try to be honest in my comments. Exercises p.40
2. Of course, I listen to others. 1. I am very cheerful.
3. Honesty is important in relationships. 2. I am analytic most of the time. / Most of the time, I am analytic.
4. B. The winner was so happy that he didn’t know what to do. 3. I tend to be too emotional at times.
5. B. The challenger is sure to lose compared to the champion. (Ingenuous means 4. I think they are too sensitive.
inexperienced, so he has no match over the champion and will then lose.) 5. I think they are reasonable.
Reading Comprehension p.29 Reading Comprehension p.41
1. D. He is truly honest. 1. cognitive
2. B. sometimes (“Now and then” also means “sometimes”.) 2. emotional
3. A. He tries to be harder next time. 3. emotional
4. A. to be sensible than be sensitive 4. cognitive
5. D. none of the above 5. emotional
Lesson 11
Lesson 8 Vocabulary p.43
Vocabulary p.31 1. STRUGGLES
1. B. stabs (To stab is to push a knife into something.) 2. COMFORT
2. A. hypothetical (Something hypothetical is based only on idea or suggestion.) 3. COMPANIONSHIP
3. C. bantered (To banter is to tease someone.) 4. EVOKE
4. B. malicious (Malicious means harmful and hurtful.) 5. STARE
5. C. dish out (To dish out is to give something carelessly.)
Grammar p.43
Grammar p.31 1. A. (The correct word is “has” since the subject is in singular form.)
1. B. impudence (A noun is needed here.) 2. D. (The correct word is “them”. An objective pronoun is needed here.)
2. B. vengeful (An adjective is needed here to describe the subject.) 3. B. (The correct word is “comfort” to be parallel with the noun “joy”.)
3. A. are not tolerated (The passive voice of the verb should be used here since the 4. B. (An appropriate word would be “with”.)
action is not done by the subject.) 5. C. (The correct word is “Andrew’s” to show possession.)
4. A. want (Use the base form of the verb after the helping verb do/does/did.)
5. C. his (A possessive pronoun is needed to show possession.) Exercises p.44
1. We are five in the family.
2. My family members are my mother, my father, and my two sisters.
Exercises p.32 3. Yes, I want to have children.
1. I 4. I want to have two kids.
2. people 5. Of course, I will be a good parent.
3. education.
4. blind eye
5. impudence Reading Comprehension p.45
1. D. soccer
2. B. 4 or 5
Reading Comprehension p.33 3. C. Saturdays
1. A. He/She will be going to get back at him/her. 4. C. warm pudding
2. C. the person’s impudence 5. B. economic depression
3. B. He/She will not tolerate it.
4. D. selfish people Lesson 12
5. True
Vocabulary p.47
1. C. up to my neck (This phrase means “very busy”.)
2. A. lame (Lame excuse means it is not convincing.)
Lesson 9 3. C. hectic (Hectic also means very busy or full of activity.)
Vocabulary p.35 4. A. breather (A breather is a short time to rest from work.)
1. A. docile (Docile also means quiet.) 5. B. cut back on (To cut back on is to reduce the number or amount of something.)
2. C. bluntly (Bluntly means honestly and straightforwardly.)
3. C. roundabout (A roundabout is something long-going.) Grammar p.47
4. B. connotes (Connotes means suggest or imply in addition to literal meaning.) 1. B. every day (A frequent time should be used here since the verb is in simple
5. A. gullible (Gullible is too ready to believe.) present form.)
2. A. a (The article “a” is used for singular, indefinite nouns. It is used when the word
Grammar p.35 that follows starts with a consonant sound.)
1. B. adjective 3. B. healthy (An adjective should be used here to describe “body”.)
2. B. pronoun 4. C. and (Use the conjunction “and” to connect parallel words.)
3. C. conjunction 5. B. why (Use “why” to state a reason.)
4. A. verb
5. A. noun Exercises p.48
1. I take a walk for ten minutes every day.
Exercises p.36 2. I prefer having exercise for my health.
1. I am quite blunt 3. Regular exercise and a balanced diet make people healthy. /
2. I think they are inoffensive. A balanced diet and regular exercise make people healthy.
3. I think they are too honest. 4. b. semicolon ( ; ) (It is used in connecting two independent clauses.)
4. blunt 5. c. question mark ( ? ) (It is used at the end of a question.)
5. suave
Reading Comprehension p.49
Reading Comprehension p.37 1. B. He is busy at work.
1. suave 2. C. simple workout
2. suave 3. A. stretching and breathing exercises
3. blunt 4. A. go out for a swim at the pool
4. blunt 5. C. there is something to lose
5. suave