Page 87 - PowerE-L05-B
P. 87
Reading Comprehension p.73
1. A. speed freak
2. A. True
3. D. on the gas
4. B. on the speedometer
5. B. more than once
Lesson 19
Vocabulary p.75
1. C. budge (To budge is to move something or someone.)
2. A. convince (To convince is to persuade someone on what you want or belive in.)
3. B. amicable (Amicable also means friendly.)
4. A. quarreled (To quarrel is to have an angry argument.)
5. B. opponent (An opponent is someone who tries to defeat another person in a
match or competition.)
Grammar p.75
1. A. (The correct word is “an”. The article “an” is used before a word that starts with
a vowel sound.)
2. C. (The correct word is “given”. You should use the past participle of the verb in
the perfect tense of the verb.)
3. B. (The correct answer is “he” since a subjective pronoun should be used here in
the clause.)
4. C (The correct word is “doesn’t” since “money” is a non-countbale noun.)
5. D (The correct answer is “needs” since the pronoun “he” is singular.)
Exercises p.76
1. I usually talk to my friend calmly. / Usually, I talk to my friend calmly.
2. It was when my girlfriend and I had an argument.
3. Yes, sometimes arguments are good in resolving a conflict.
4. C. Andrew doesn’t get angry easily.
5. B. Michael gets angry easily.
Reading Comprehension p.77
1. B. salary increase
2. A. Yes, with no bad feelings through compromise
3. B. opinions
4. C. issue and personalities
5. A. He tried hard to persuade him into his own point of view.
Lesson 20
Vocabulary p.79
1. C. going Dutch (To go Dutch is to share the cost of a meal in a restaurant.)
2. A. refuse (To refuse is to indicate unwillingness to do something
3. A. respect (Respect is to give honor or to be polite on someone.)
4. A. received (To receive is to get something from someone.)
5. A. vicious (Someone who is vicious has many vices or bad or harmful activities.)
Grammar p.79
1. C. with (Use “with” to show togetherness.)
2. A. drink (Use the base form of the verb in forming the infinitive.)
3. B. enjoying (Use the -ing form of the verb in forming the past progressive form of
the verb.)
4. C. so (Use the conjuction “so” to connect cause and effect clauses.)
5. A. a (Use the article “a” for single, indefinite nouns. It is used before a word
starting with a consonant sound.)
Exercises p.80
1. A. I usually drink after I finish my work. (“When” is used to ask about time or
2. B. I always hang out with my colleagues when I drink. (“Who” is used to ask about
3. C. I drink in some bars around the city. (“Where” is used to ask about places.)
4. I like to drink to build relationships among colleagues.
5. I think going Dutch is just fair.
Reading Comprehension p.81
1. C. elders
2. C. They hold the glass with two hands.
3. C. They go Dutch.
4. B. No
5. B. A boss or co-workers tend to force the employees to drink over the limit.