Page 86 - PowerE-L05-B
P. 86


               Lesson 13                                        Lesson 16
               	 Vocabulary					p.51                              Vocabulary					p.63
                    1. B. tips (This also means a helpful hint or warning.)       1. A. adores (To adore is to love someone very much.)
                    2. C. apparel (Apparel also means clothes.)       2. C. resist (To resist is to prevent yourself to do something.)
                    3. B. public (Public also means the community or the people.)       3. C. literally (“Literally” is used to emphasize that something is actually true.)
                    4. C. fragrance (Fragrance refers to the pleasant smell.)        4. A. formula (A formula is a method you use to solve a problem.)
                    5. A. taste (Something “salty” refers to taste.)       5. B. burdened (To be burdened is to feel heavy.)
               	 Grammar					p.51                               	 Grammar     p.63
                    1. A. (The correct word is “obvious”. An adjective is needed here, not an adverb.)       1. marry (The correct word is “married”. We always say “get married” when two
                    2. B. (The correct word is “up”. To “stand out” means you are noticed despite the             people are to become a couple as a husband and wife.)
                        crowd.)                                      2. monogamy (The correct word is monogamous, its adjective form that shold be
                    3. B. (The correct word is “notice” since the subject “girls” is plural.)           used to modify the noun “husband”.)
                    4. A. (The correct word is “a” since “neat” starts with a consonant sound.)       3. tempting (The correct word is temptation. A noun should be used as the direct
                    5. B. (The correct answer is “tips”. “Some” is a quantifier for plural nouns.)           object of the transitive verb “resist”.)
                                                                     4. is (The correct word is “are” when the pronoun “you” is used.)
                 Exercises					p.52                                  5. his (The correct answer is “her”, which is a feminine pronoun. “His” is a masculine
                    1. A. They have the prettiest apparel. (A apparel can also mean the get-up.)           pronoun.)
                    2. A. The fragrance from the cooked food makes me want to eat it! (If something
                        makes you hungry, it makes you want to eat it.)  	 Exercises					p.64
                    3. B. He was thrown out of work because of his tardiness. (To be fired is to be         1. B. Michael has just one wife. (Being monogamous means he only has one wife.)
                        thrown out of work.)                         2. C. Carlo has many wives. (Being polygamous means he has more than one wife.)
                    4. People want to be noticed.                    3. A. How do you find your married life?
                    5. I would choose comfortable clothes.           4. I will get married in a church.
                                                                     5. I prefer being monogamous.
               	 Reading	Comprehension					p.53
                    1. D. all of the above                      	 Reading	Comprehension					p.65
                    2. B. time and place                             1. A. to be monogamous
                    3. B. fashion magazines                          2. B. 4 (the wife, the two kids, and the writer.)
                    4. A. surf through the Internet                  3. B. social stereotypes
                    5. C. the real fashion leader                    4. A. His heart is fully occupied already.
                                                                     5. B. stealing the remaining change in his purse
               Lesson 14
               	 Vocabulary					p.55
                    1. C. plain (Plain means very clear and easy to understand.)  Lesson 17
                    2. A. precise (Precise means exact.)
                    3. C. quotient (Quotient is the number obtained when a number divides another    	 Vocabulary					p.67
                        number.)                                     1. EGREGIOUS
                    4. A. calculate (To calculate is to compute.)       2. DOUGH
                    5. B. assess (To assess is to know the value of something.)       3. C. indulgent (To be extravagant or indulgent is to spend more on unnecessary
               	 Grammar					p.55                                      4. A. trickle (A trickle is a thin slow flow of liquid.)
                                                                   5. B. continue (“Last” here means to continue, to go on or to survive in something.)
                    1. A. to measure (Use the base form of the verb in forming an infinitive.)
                    2. B. us (The objective pronoun “us” should be used here in the predicate.)
                    3. B. intelligent (An adjective should be used here to modify “boy”.)  	 Grammar					p.67
                    4. A. a (Use the article “a” for singular, indefinite nouns. It is used when the word that         1. B. (The correct word is “spends”. The subject “Andrew” is singular, so the verb
                        follows starts with a consonant sound.)           should be in singular form as well.)
                    5. A. truth (A noun is needed here.)             2. D. (The correct word is “money”. “Money” is an uncounatble noun, so it has no
                                                                         plural form.)
               	 Exercises					p.56                                    3. B. (The correct word is “extravagant”. An adjective is needed here to describe the
                    1. EQ                                            4. C. (The correct word is “but”. “But” is used when something is contrary to the
                    2. IQ                                                expectation.)
                    3. EQ                                            5. A. (The correct word is “him”. An objective pronoun [him] should be used here, not
                    4. IQ                                               a subjective pronoun [he].)
                    5. EQ
                                                                	 Exercises					p.68
               	 Reading	Comprehension     p.57                      1. I shop there twice a month.
                    1. False (Genetically, you are born with IQ.)       2. I usually buy necessary things.
                    2. True                                          3. Of course, I enjoy shopping.
                    3. FAlse (EQ isn’t precise as IQ.)               4. B. I want to spend less. (To be frugal is to spend less or to be careful to only buy
                    4. True                                              what is necessary.)
                    5. True                                          5. A. I try to save money, but I am still extravagant.
                                                                  Reading	Comprehension					p.69
               Lesson 15                                             1. False
               	 Vocabulary					p.59                                 2. False
                    1. IMMORTAL                                      3. True
                    2. STALK                                         4. True
                    3. HAPLESS                                       5. False
                    4. MESMERIZE
                    5. FANG                                     Lesson 18
                                                                	 Vocabulary					p.71
               	 Grammar					p.59                                    1. ALLOWABLE
                    1. A. last night (Since the verb is in the past tense, a time in the past is the best to        2. SPEEDOMETER
                        use here.)                                   3. B. thrilled (To be thrilled is also to be excited.)
                    2. B. famous (An adjective is needed here to modify the noun “vampire”.)       4. A. detour (A detour is a roundabout way or course, especially a road used
                    3. C. their (This is the correct possessive third person pronoun that should be used.)           tempoRarily instead of a main route.)
                    4. D (The correct word is “a” since the word that follows starts with a consonant        5. C. zoom (To zoom is to go somewhere very quickly.)
                    5. D (The word should be “creatures” since the subject and the linking verb are
                        plural and both refer to plural nouns.)  	 Grammar					p.71
                                                                     1. C. bought (The correct past tense of the verb should be used for an action that
                                                                         happened in the past.)
                 Exercises					p.60                                  2. B. driving (The gerund form of the word should be used.)
                    1. I know werewolves and vampires. / I know vampires and werewolves.       3. A. like (Like here is used to compare something.)
                    2. I think being immortal is fascinating.        4. B. recklessly (An adverb should be used here to modify the verb “drove”.)
                    3. Of course, I do believe in God.               5. B. injuries (The quantifier “some” is used for plural countable nouns.)
                    4. B. The singer’s powerful voice attracted my attention. (To be mesmerized is to be
                    5. A. Dracula never dies. (One who is immortal never dies.)  	 Exercises					p.72
                                                                     1. A. I usually drive when I go to work. (A time should be the answer to a question
                                                                        that starts with “when”.)
               	 Reading	Comprehension					p.60                      2. C. My uncle taught me how to drive. (A person should be the answer to a question
                    1. B. the idea of being immortal                     that starts with “who”.)
                    2. B. a vampire                                  3. I like sports car the best because it is small.
                    3. C. Zeus                                       4. I want a black limousine.
                    4. B. Poseidon                                   5. I think they are unforgivable
                    5. D. Apollo
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