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14                       Economic Effect                                                Point    올림픽을 개최하게 되면 국가적 유명세와 경제 성장을 창출할 수 있어요. 세계의

                                                                                                     주목을 받고 노동력과 투자가 유입되니 경제 성장이 나타나는 것은 자명한 일이죠. 그래서
                                                                                                     나라마다 올림픽 개최지로 선정되기 위해 노력을 아끼지 않는답니다.
                                   of the Olympics

                                   20억 달러짜리 황금알, 올림픽
                                                                                                 Part 1                               Part 2
                                                                                                 Topic Discussion                    General Discussion
                                                                                                                                     The Sprit of the Olympic Games

                                                                                               1.     Why did an old mayor of Vancouver call   1.     What do you think is the sprit of the
                                                                                                                                      Olympic Games?
                                                                                                 the Olympic Games “a two billion dollar
         Read & Discuss                                                                          golden egg?”
                    In recent years, the number of cities competing to host the Olympic
             Games has been increasing. Cities, and their politicians and businesspeople,      2.   What changes would be made if the   2.   Have you seen the Paralympics (an

       realize that hosting the Games offers many advantages. An old mayor of Vancouver          city were selected to host the Olympic   Olympic competition for people with
       once called the Games “a two billion dollar golden egg.” This is a good description, as   Games?                               physical disabilities)? What do you
       hosting the Olympics can create long-term economic growth as well as fame.                                                     think about it? Do you think we should
                                                                                                                                      encourage that kind of event for the
       Once having been selected to host the Games, the lucky city has seven years to
       prepare. Those seven years will bring big changes to the host city. And many of these
       changes will remain long after the Games is finished. For example, sports centers
       will be upgraded or built along with housing for athletes. Transportation links will be   3.   In what fields will many jobs be created   3.   What does it mean to you when

       improved to move all the people that come to watch the events.                            when the city is selected to host the   athletes from South and North Korea
       All of these changes require labor and investment. Many jobs will be created,             Olympic Games?                       march together during the opening and
       particularly in the construction industry. Money to pay for building projects will flow in                                     closing ceremonies at the Olympics?
       from investors all over the world. Important projects, in communications for example,
       will be done by local companies, giving them instant international exposure. Just by
       receiving such close attention, the host city, its companies, and people will receive   4.   Why can hosting the Olympics be a   4.   Sometimes unfair judgments in the

       worldwide attention for seven years before the opening ceremony even takes place.         gamble?                              Olympics come into question such as
       The Olympics is a huge international stage, and it really gives the host country an                                            in the case of Kim Dong-sung at the
       opportunity to advertise itself. The host city will experience an increase in tourism over                                     2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt
                                                                                                                                      Lake City. How do you think the quality
       the 17-day period, as well as increased international fame if the Games is successful.
                                                                                                                                      of the refereeing and judging can be
       Yet there are risks as well. The 1976 Olympics in Montreal, Canada, was terribly
       expensive. The city lost a lot of money, which it is still repaying. Hosting the Olympics,
       therefore, can still be a gamble. But it is a gamble most cities are willing to take.

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