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1 5 Paparazzi 다. 파파라치의 무분별한 행위를 규제하는 기관이 있기도 하지만 여전히 파파라치는
UNIT Point 최신 카메라로 무장한 최첨단 사냥개, 파파라치. 다이애나 왕세자비의 비극
적인 사건 이후 많은 비난을 받았지만 아직도 스타의 뒤에는 항상 그들이 따라다닙니
그들만의 방식으로 대중과 유명 인사를 잇고 있어요.
직업 사진사, 그의 이름은 파파라치
Part 1 Part 2
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Media and Celebrities
In Hong Kong they are called “puppy teams.” They stay together like
young dogs, often getting under people’s feet. Armed with the latest cameras, 1. Why is the paparazzi called “puppy 1. When you read a newspaper, what
these hi-tech hounds are an aggressive branch of the media more widely known as teams” in Hong Kong? section do you first read?
the Paparazzi. It is their aggression in pursuing celebrities that separates the Paparazzi
from more mainstream media. In contrast to an invited member of the media who
appears at an event wearing a press pass, the Paparazzi are usually lurking in shadows
or involved in high speed car chases. 2. Why was the paparazzi criticized in 2. What do you think of Angelina Jolie’
The excessive behavior of the Paparazzi in public life was criticized following the tragic relation to the death of Princess Diana? s baby daughter becoming one of the
circumstances surrounding the death of Princess Diana. The princess lost her life in most influential people in the world?
France as her driver tried to evade the Paparazzi in 1997. What should have been the
perfect Paparazzi shot instead resulted in the Paparazzi being the subject of a police
investigation. Although legally cleared of causing her death, this bad publicity made
the media reflect more seriously on how they gather information about famous
people. 3. What purpose does the PCC have? 3. The public want to know about
Even before this tragedy, the general attitude of the Paparazzi to personal privacy had celebrities’private lives. Do you think
led authorities to take action. The Public Complaints Commission (PCC) had been set celebrities’should be put in danger
up in the UK in 1990 for the media to come up with rules for self-regulation. Since in order for their private lives to be
1997, the PCC has become increasingly pro-active and established a strict code that revealed for their fans? Or do you think
governs their industry. For example, it recognizes that everyone is entitled to respect we should not violate their privacy?
for his or her private life. Moreover, in order to tackle the problems of motorbike
chases, pictures taken as a result of “persistent pursuit” are banned. Crucially, editors
must ensure that everything they publish has been obtained in a manner consistent
with their Code of Practice. 4. Why do you think the paparazzi exist in 4. What do you think of illegal movies
The reality of the situation, however, is that the Paparazzi are part of a complex our society? of celebrities being posted on the
relationship between themselves, the public, and celebrities. The photographs they Internet? Have you ever watched any of
take are valuable because the public is willing to pay money to see the personal lives them?
of famous people. Celebrities themselves often manipulate the Paparazzi for the
publicity they receive. As long as these practices continue, the Paparazzi will remain in
one form or another.
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