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1 6                     Bluetooth                                                        고 있어요. 물론 일부 보안 문제도 존재하지만 그 어느 때보다도 우리 생활을 편리하게

           UNIT                                                                                  Point    무선 통신 기술로 알려진 블루투스는 덴마크 왕의 이름에서 따온 말입니다.
                                                                                                    스웨덴 통신사에서 개발한 블루투스는 무선 기술 분야의 산업 표준으로 널리 이용되
                                                                                                    만들어 주었죠.
                                   무선 기술 분야의 새로운 산업 표준, 블루투스

         Read & Discuss     King Harald Bluetooth of Denmark made history by uniting             Topic Discussion                    General Discussion
                                                                                                 Part 1
                                                                                                                                      Part 2
                                                                                                                                     Technology of Korea
                   his kingdom with Norway in the tenth century. Hundreds of years later,
              a new Bluetooth is making its own reputation by bringing together electronic     1.     What is the main function of a   1.     Why do you think people keep going
         devices through wireless technology.                                                    Bluetooth? How can you transmit data   into space? Do you think Korea’s space
       Named in honor of King Harald, Bluetooth technology was developed by Ericsson,            with a Bluetooth?                    technology is underdeveloped?
       a Swedish telecommunications company, as a means of eliminating cumbersome
       cable connections between portable electronic devices, such as laptops, mobile
       phones, and digital cameras. Data normally shared through these cables is instead
       communicated through the medium of radio waves. These waves can be transmitted
       up to distances of 10m, seeking out and connecting with other wireless devices.

       Bluetooth isn’t a heavy power consumer, it doesn’t require any expensive hardware,      2.   In what ways does a Bluetooth make   2.   What technologies which are commonly
       and it sets up networks quickly and easily.                                               life more convenient?                used were first invented in Korea?
       There are a myriad of conveniences we can enjoy thanks to Bluetooth: We can talk on
       our mobile phones through wireless headsets while walking or driving; keyboards and
       mice can be connected to our computers without wires, allowing for more flexibility
       and freedom of movement while we’re confined to our desks; and, we can transfer
       music files to our iPods with ease or effortlessly download photos from our digital     3.   What are the dangers of using a   3.   What technologies do you think are

       cameras. Bluetooth technology is also a factor in the facilitation of social networking,   Bluetooth when it comes to security   representative of Korea?
       allowing strangers to exchange personal profiles, messages, or business cards by          matters?
       sensing all other Bluetooth-enabled devices in range and automatically establishing
       temporary networks.
       However, the ease with which Bluetooth creates connections can also be the source
       of some security concerns. Bluejacking is the practice of sending anonymous text
       messages that resemble system-generated warnings. It’s a harmless prank but can
       be distressing to inexperienced users. Bluesnarling is a more critical security threat.   4.   How can you prevent the potential   4.   Do you think our education puts

       If hackers manage to covertly create a connection through Bluetooth, they can take        security drawbacks of using a        importance on science or on developing
       control of your wireless device and use it as a vehicle for transmitting viruses.         Bluetooth?                           technology?
       Practices that can prevent this type of threat include turning off Bluetooth when
       your device is not in use and hiding your device from unknown Bluetooth users
       by switching off the discovery mode. Firewalls and anti-virus software can also be
       installed for enhanced safety. Despite these security challenges, Bluetooth continues
       to reign as the industry standard for wireless technology, making it easier than ever to
       bring together all our portable electronic devices.

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