Page 452 - BenchMark_6-2
P. 452
The Everglades Story
Beginning in the early 1900s, many ▼ Farmers used the
water to grow crops.
people moved to Florida. In order to
have enough room to build houses and
to plant crops, people started changing
n. a manmade waterway used for travel or irrigation
the wetlands. They built many canals that
carried water away from the Everglades.
to lose all of the water in a certain place
dried up
Wetlands dried up, and people built
houses on the reclaimed land. They used
adj. of land formerly underwater made suitable for human usage
more and more water, and less and less ▲ People built canals that
water flowed to animal habitats. carried water from the
Everglades to cities and farms.
Unit 12 | The Everglades Story